Me And You Were Ment To Be

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Rascal's P.O.V
I walked down the hallways of the Shadow Realm to get to Chloe. I felt a shiver up my back. Maybe I did like her.
No. Maybe I lo...
No Rascal, don't go down that road! I stopped and disappeared into a storm of Cards.

Chloe's P.O.V
Were the only things around me. There wasn't any movement made except for me. But then I heard something. I got up and went to entrance of the cell, where the see through bars were at. Even though you can't see the bars, the bars are still there. I saw a storm of Cards spin upwards in a Spiral then formed a human figure. I rolled my eyes.
Great. It's Rascal.
"I see you're up Chloe. Liking it in your, new home?" He teased.
I crossed my arms.
"Yeah. I'm, Loving it, here." I said with sarcasm. He did a slight laugh and made his way to the cell. He reached his hand through the cell bars and touched my hair, stroking it. Why does everyone like stroking my hair?!
"Poor you, all alone down here. With no one to talk to." He said.
I slapped his hand away from my hair, "I would rather have no one than you four. And quit touching my hair!"
"I see." He started as he walked into the cage, "But I only came fown here to talk to you because those other stupid ones told me to."
I looked at him with a really confused face, "Why you? Why not Ulric, Brute or Brooha?"

Rascal's P.O.V
Oh God. What am I gonna say? I couldn't respond or anything, but a little blush crept up my face. I saw her edge her way closer to me and I saw her smirk.
"Hold a minute Rascal." She said. This is going to go so well.
"Y-Yeah?" I stuttered out.
"Do you like. Me?" She teased. My eyes widened.
"Uh. Uh. No..." I couldn't think what to say.
"Come on. Admit it, or else I'll call you a Jester."
God. I hate being callef a, Jester. I turned to face her. "F-Fine, you win. I do like you. Alot."
I saw her have a pink highlight on her cheeks.
"Y-You're kidding, right?" She looked nervous. I then smirked at her back.
"See how I feel now Dear?" I said. She took a step back. But I took a step in. We kept repeating this until she was backed up against the wall.
"I think I-I do..." She stuttered out. I put my hands on the wall. One hand on her left side, one on her right side. I edged my face closer to her.
"I can prove it Dear." I said. She was blushing up a storm now.
"G-Go on then..." She said. I edged my face even closer to hers and we ended up, lip to lip. Kissing each other. She looked quite shocked my this and looked uncomfortable. I was about to part away but I felt herwrap her arms around my neck. I took that she did like it so I wrapped my arms around her waist. I think that Me and Chloe were ment to be...

(Author's Note)
*Squeals* Holy Shit. That's gotta be an awesome Chappy. I was literally fangirling while writing this. And probably in some chapters, I will do other ships like,
Lily XxX Ulric
I'm probably gonna do Brute XxX Brooha too. Or Kelsey XxX Brute. You guys choose.

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