Where's Chloe? (Part 1)

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*During Class*

April's P.O.V
I stepped into class with my friends. But then as I was walking, I stopped.
"Uh, girls?" I asked as I started to look side to side. They looked at me.
"Yeah April?" Lily asked worridly.
"Umm, where's Chloe? She's supposed to be here by now. Right?" I asked with concern. They were all wide eyed like me.
"Oh yeah!" Kelsey said.
"Where is she?" Emily asked with worry too.
"I duno but we gotta stay focus and try not to act obvious that she's not here." April said.
"Yep!" They all said. We all began to walk again and into class.

Kelsey's P.O.V
We all sat down for class to begin. The teacher was calling our names to check if we were here.
"Emily." The teacher said, checking if we were here.
"Over here!" I said.
"By here!" April said.
"Here Miss!" Lily raised a hand.
"Chloe." It was silent for a while. The teacher cleared her throut, "Chloe? She's normally here everyday..."
Me and my friends looked at each other trying to think of a solution.

Lily's P.O.V
Oh gosh. This isn't good, Chloe isn't here so we're screwed. But then April spoke up, "Uh, Miss. Chloe is Uhh, doing something?" She seemed quite unsure what to say.
"Doing. Something?" The teacher raised a brow, looking suspicious. Then Kelsey spoke up too, "Uh, she's. At a Funeral because, uhh. A relative has sadly passed away."
The teacher looked more suspicious, "But I saw her parents only two days ago."
We all began to sweat, "Umm, it's a far away relative. About halfway across the world. So she has to travel there." I said. My friends looked at me with a, Seriously Lily?, face. I mouthed a, what?
But besides that, the Teacher fell for our excuse for her not to be here. Thank God.
"Okay, so first class is History." The teacher announced. This is gonna be a long day for me and my friends.

*In The Shadow Realm*

Brooha's P.O.V
I stared at the girl that was lying on the rock bed. I was stroking her hair. It was soft and gorgeous. I continued stroking her hair while I heard Ulkrin, Odor and Rascal talking. But they were talking so loudly, the girl began twitching.
"Can you boys stop talking so loudly?! She's waking up!" I screamed towards them. They lowered the volume. But by the time I turned my head and back to the girl, she was wide awake.

Chloe's P.O.V (Before she fully woke up)
I heard noises coming from the out side. I opened my eyes but shut them back closed. But then they fluttered open, it took a while until my eyes were fully open. Eventually, they opened fully up. I was greeted by a woman with a green cloak sitting next to me. Oh no! It's Brooha!
"Hey, welcome back!" Brooha said. She looked at me with her glowing eyes. She spoke softly, but dangerous. I looked worried and I was worried. I shot up straight and edged away from her. But she edged closer to me.
"Wh-What do you want Brooha?" I asked. She just smiled at me.
"Well Dear. You know us Fairytale Baddies. We kidnap to lure the target in. And lucky you, you're the bait." She said but I said,
"I'm not lucky at all. I will escape."
She smirked at me, "I bet will happen," She got up and walked out the cell I was in and turned around and said, "Eventually..." She mocked and laughed. I just sat there, on my bed with my legs close to my chest. They all left me there in the cell, alone. In the darkness. I laid back down and fell back asleep.

(Author's Note)
This is onky part one, in the next hour. Part 2 will come out! Sorry if it's crap.

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