I Got You (Part 1)

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Ulric's P.O.V
Poor guy.
I came over to him and handed his sholder.
"We'll find her... Our team isn't complete without her..." I reassured him.
"Yeah..." Rascal said, still having the Red glowing in his eyes.
"Well what are we waiting for?" Brute said.
"Let's go get her back!" Brooha cracked her knuckles. I smiled, so did Rascal.
"Let's go..." Rascal said.
"That's the Rascal we all know!!" I patted his back. He nodded. Rascal made a huge Card that had a Dark Purple-ly, sort of Particles coming out of it. Meaning that a Portal was forming. Soon, the Portal formed. We call looked at each other and walked into the Portal, our net Destination,
The Real World.

Chloe's P.O.V
I groaned by the uncomfortable feeling. I raised an eye open. It looked as if I was, moving?
So what?
My eyes fluttered open. I heard voices speaking. I slowing raised my body so I was sitting up. I gasped, it was my frie- I mean, The Glitter Force. I growled sofly but not so loud just in case they would hear. But why. I saw Lily turn round. She looked Eye-widened. I crossed my arms with an angry face painted on.
"Uh, uhh. G-Girls..." Lily shivered out. Emily turned round.
"Yeah Lil-- Crap! She's up!" Emily screamed. The others turned round. They all screamed. I closed one of my eyes and covered my ears. We all stopped moving.
"Hold a sec, we're screamin because...?" April made sence.
"What does it look like!? We should be scared right?" Kelsey said. I pulled a seriously face, as my eyes blinked by their dumbness.
"So, now what?" Lily asked. Wow, I was getting bored as Hell.
"I duno, but we would've gotten Chloe home by now!" Kelsey said.
"Yeah, but someone stopped us.." April said.
"Uhh, Excuse me?!" Lily shouted. They ended up fighting against themselves. Never seen them do that before. I rolled my eyes, and saw something in the sky. I gasped, it's probably the Minions! It came clear, I saw, Brute, Brooha, Ulric and my Love! I was so relieved. They made their way to the ground. Problem is that I don't think they can see me. I had to think and snapped my fingers. I raised my hands to the sky and made a Firework charge up towards the sky, showing where I was.

Brooha's P.O.V
"We're here, but where is she?" I asked. We all looked round.
"Where would she be?" Brute scratched his head.
"Hmm.." Ulric said.
"No clue, there's no Clues or such anywhere!" Rascal said. There was silence for a while. Until there was a Bang. Iwe turned to were the sound came from, there was a Snowflake shaped Firework in the sky.
"She's there!" I pointed to where the Firework was. We all ran to that area.

Chloe's P.O.V
That was loud. A bit too loud. The Glitter Force stopped arguing and looked at me.
"Fireworks?" Emily questioned.
"Firework are only for celebrations..." Lily said.
"Wait, not only for celebrations..." Kelsey said.
April gasped, "Communication! I can see the Minions!" April pointed to the four Figures closing in.
"God, what now? Wait a sec... We can't fight here!" Emily shouted.
"And why's that?" I managed to bug myself in the conversation.
"It's near school grounds!!" Emily pointed to our school we were next to.
"Oh..." We all said.

Rascal's P.O.V
"Nearly there!" Brute said.
"Won't they see us?" Ulric asked.
"Oh yeah, I forgot..." I said.
"And that's when I come in handy..." Brooha said, snapping hr fingers. Makin a small Camera form, "it's another See-You-No-More Camera." Preseting it.
"Thank you Brooha!" I said. She giggled and ran ahead. Got the Camera and snapped a shot. In a flash, we were invisible. No we were ready.
"Think we shold Transform into a more menacing Beasts?" Brute asked, "You know, what we looked like when we were Battling the Glitter force before."
"Alright." Ulric said.
"I'll go with that..." I said.
"Okay, but drink these, it'll make you twice as powerful and strong." She threw potions to us. I looked confused but drank it anyway. We all stopped. Bright Auras surrounded us. Soon, we were differently formed. Brooha had made Mirrors appear so we can see our new selves. I had a Chestplate with a Mouth, a long fencing sword and a huge sheild, I had long Fangs appearing out of my Mouth. On Brooha, she was, of course, in her young form. She had a much greener tone in her skin, her cape was half torn and she had small fangs. Heavier Makeup put on too. Brute had a more Body Built body than he used to have. His hair was more longer and messier than usual, and also he had long fangs in his Mouth like mine. Ulric was the same too. He had a Mop of very long Blue hair. Which was very long. As well as that, sharp fangs were in his mouth. In common, we all had a Red zigzag painted across our eyes. We were all ready.
"Let's go get her back!" I said. We all charged.

(Author's Note)
Yay! I'm actually glad that I've added that part in. I wanted them to be very Enraged. At the tope, there's a picture of what each General looks like.
Hope you like the Chapter!

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