I Want To Stay With My Love

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Chloe's P.O.V
I opened my eyes slightly. I looked at my Kisser, Rascal. I was happy he admitted he liked me, to be honest, I like him to. Or probably even more than that. But I have to think about it. We both parted.
"Happy?" He asked.
I giggled, "Yeah, of course I did! If I didn't, then I wouldn't have parted away."
"But we had to eventually!" We both laughed. But we heard something or someone clear their throut. We turned around. Bright red painted both of our faces. Oh Gosh, it's the other three Minions.
"So, um. Did we miss anything? Uhh." Ulric stuttered out. Me and Rascal were jaw dropped.
"H-How long have you been s-standing there?" Rascal asked. I was just stunned.
"Um, we followed you..." Brute said. Brooha facepalmed.
"R...Right..." Was all I could make out.
"Why?" Rascal said. He placed his arm around me. I nudged closer to him, holding his waist. Brooha put her hand on the back of her neck.
"W-We were curious what you would do..." She said. We gave her a, seriously?, face. "What?! I find you two adorable together. Unlike you're other girlfriend Rascal."
"She sucked. Honestly, she wouldn't even kiss me. Even if she did, she would be awful. Unlike Chloe, a whole different experience..." He said.
My eyes sparkled, "Aww!"
I squealed and hugged him, he hugged back and kissed my head.
"Well, sorry for disturbing. We'll catch up later. See you love birds later!" Ulric waved. The other two waved a goodbye and left us alone.

Rascal's P.O.V
"Okay, I swear no one was following me." I said. She giggled. She cupped my cheek.
"It's alright!"
I smiled. I'm glad she finally saw the good in me. If I didn't make the move, she would've probably transformed. But I'm glad she didn't. I wanted to ask her something.
"Hey Chloe?"
"Yes?" She said, her eyes dazzled in the light. I got her hands in mine.
"W..Will you be my.... forever Girlfriend?" I bit my bottom lip.

Chloe's P.O.V
Pink covered both my cheeks. I was about to answer but an idea came to my head.Of course I'm gonna say yes but I was going to pretend to think. I crossed my arms, looked up and tapped my right foot on the ground, fake thinking. He looked as if he was sweating. I edged my eyes to him and looked at him,
"Of course I would! What kind of girl would say no?" I ran to him and hug him. He hugged back. We both laughed. He went over to the entrance of the cell and opened it.
"Ladies first!" He teased. I smiled and walked out, he followed after me. We walked down the hallways. I got his hand in my hand.
"Rascal, I was wondering. Can I stay here with you?" I asked. He looked up and tapped his finger on his chin.
"Why not?" He said, "after all, we, I mean, I need an assistant to defeat the Glitter Force."
My eyes widened.
"D-Defeat?" I asked with a shakey voice. He thougt of something,
"Don't worry, only mildly. Only injures, not instant death and take them as our prisoners."
"Ok, but only mildly." We continued walking and we stopped at a door.
Rascal's Room
It read. We entered.
"Wow! It's very big." I spun around. I was about to fall but I got caught by Rascal,
"Got you!" He said.
"Thanks.." I said. We made our way to the Couch and sat down. He put his arm round me.
"If you wanna stay here. You're gonna need a Makeover." He said to me.
"You know, just a bit more darker highlights and you're good to go. But if not, I'll let you go. And you will never see me ever again."
I was shocked and shook my head as a no.
"No! I wanna stay here with you. I'll go with the Makeover but keep the colour blue on me. It suits me."
He gave a chuckle.
"Alright, we'll start soon. But now," He said as he rested my head on his sholder, "get some sleep, we'll start when you wake."
I smiled, "Good night, my Rascal." and fell asleep.
He kissed hy head and stroked it,
"Night. My Beauty."
We fell asleep in each other's arms until dawn.

- - -● ● ●- - -

Emily's P.O.V
YES! END OF SCHOOL! Me and the other girls decided to go to my house for sleepovers. Once we got there, I knocked on the door. The door opened revealing my mum,
"Hey mum! Me and the girls are here for sleepovers. Is that ok?"
She smiled, "Of course." We all walked in but my mum stopped us,
"Wait a minute. Where's Chloe?"
We alk began to sweat again, then Lily said,
"She went to a funeral for a far away relative."
"Oh okay."
We all smiled and dashed upstairs. We got to my room and I slammed the door shut.
"That was a close call. Again!" I said. We all sat onto my bed.
"What do you think they're doing with her?" Kelsey asked.
"I duno but probably something awful!" Lily saud as she covered her eyes.
"Poor Chloe. I knew we shouldn't have left her!" April shouted.
"Well, we have this remember?" I said while holding the card up.
"Oh yeah..." The other three said.
"We should talk about this in the Morning. It is a weekend tomorrow anyway." I said. They all agreed. I slept on my bed. And the others slept on the floor, on my other mattress. I heard the others slightly snore, especially April. She was the loudest! Well, she must be very tired because she said she didn't sleep well last night because of the kids. I'm glad we're back, but I'm having a weird feeling we're gonna have to go to the Shadow Realm. Let's just hope Chloe is alright, nothing bad is happening while she is there.

(Author's Note)
*Clears throut*
Sorry bout dat. Ahem. But enjoy ze chappy! Later on I will upload more later! See ya!

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