Find Her!

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Brooha's P.O.V
I was in my Room, mixing potions together and all sorts. I got up from my Desk and went over to my Bookshelf. I ran my finger along the Spines of the books until I found the one I was looking for. Then I got interrupted by Ulric coming into my Room,
"Brooha, have you seen Rascal anywhere?" He asked. I turned round and put my finger on my lip.
"Maybe he's in his room?" I suggested, "And I think Chloe's in there so, I recommend not to go in."
He sighed, "Alright..." I looked at him strangely.
"Are you okay Ulric?" I asked with concern. He looked at me,
"Yeah, it's just that Rascal has Chloe now. So, he has more time with Her rather than us." He said, holding his arm. I came over to him and stroked his head.
"Don't worry, I'm sure once Chloe gets more used to this place, we'll all be working together to destroy the World!" I reassured him. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back.
"Thanks Brooha." He smiled and walked out. I nodded and continued doing my spell.

Ulric's P.O.V
I know that I can always trust Brooha. She's so reassuring in her tone. I was making may to my Room. But before I could get there, I heard something go Boom. I froze and turned to the direction of the Booming noise. My ears flopped up as I followed the sound. It lead all the way to the Glitter Force's Cell!
Oh No!!
There was a giant Hole in the walls. This ain't good.
I ran as fast as I could to Brooha's room and slammed the door so hard it broke off.
"My Door?!" She wailed.
"No time for that! The Glitter Force ESCAPED!" I shouted.
"WHAT?!" She said, dropping potions. I nodded.
"Come On!!" I grabbed her arm and tugged her all the way to the Cell. When we got there, I realised that I forgot to go call, Rascal, Choe and Brute.
"Problem?" Brooha asked.
"Forgot to call the Others..." I facepalmed. She said to me,
"Howl, I'm sure they'll understand."
I nodded. I stood up as tall as I could, took a very deep breath and Howled.

Brute's P.O.V
I was sharpening my Bat on the stove. I gotta make it sharp, so I can scare the Glitter Force. But then I was cut off by Howling?
Oh, Ulric!
Something must be wrong. I grabbed my Sharpest bat and dashed out my door.

Rascal's P.O.V
I heard the sound of Howling. I shot wide up, looking at my surroundings. Once again, it Howled. That must be Ulric. And he only Howls when there's trouble. I got out of bed. I forgot that someone was sleeping on me. It was Chloe. I slightly smiled. Maybe I shouldn't wake her up. I decided to leave her sleeping. I got her off my Body and rested her under the covers of my bed. I kissed her andleft the room. Teleporting in Process.

Ulric's P.O.V
Was that loud enough? Meh, it must be. Soon, I saw Vrute running in the Hallways and saw a Card storm form, meaning Rascal's here.
"Why'd you Howl?" Brute asked.
"WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?!?!" Brooha screamed as she pointed a nail at the Broken Cell.
"How the Hell did they Escape?!" Brute said, holding his head.
"We have to investigate and find them." Rascal said.
"How about Chloe?" I asked.
"She needs a rest. She must be tired of physical fighing with her Friends." He explained.
"WHAT?!" I screamed.
"Long story..." Rascal rolled his eyes.
"Let's go!" Brooha waved her hand as she turned into her, Younger form. "Much better!" She said with success.

Kelsey's P.O.V
"All clear?" I asked.
"Yep!" Emily said. All of us were all hiding above the Shadow Realm. We all went through and explored.
"Stay close girls..." April said. We all stuck together. We wandered for a bit.
"Where do you think she is?" Lily asked, petrified.
"I duno..." I said.
"You know, it's not safe to be in our Normal form, I mean we are in the Shadow Realm so...." April said.
"It's Glitter Time Girls!" Emily said holding her Glitter Pack up. We all got ours out and we all Chanted,
"Glitter Force Makeover!"
We all got our Outfits on.
"A Fabulous Shimmer. A Glow In Your Heart! I'm Glitter Lucky!" Emily said.
"When You Mess With Me. You're Playing With Fire! I'm Glitter Sunny!" I said.
"Puppies And Kittens. The Power Of Love! I'm Glitter Peace!" Lily said.
"A Force Is Strong. As Life Itself! I'm Glitter Spring!" April said. We all got together.
"Ready Girls?" Emily said.
"Shining Bright! Here Comes The Glitter Force!" We all chanted.
When we were done we began to walk again. Soon we came to a room named, Rascal.
"She's gotta be here!" I said. Opening the door. We all gasped. There was Chloe, sleepin on the bed?
"Wow, he's really Nice to her." Lily said. I rolled my eyes. I was about to wake her but Emily got my hand.
"Don't, she'll go Ice crazy." She said.
"Okay, but how to get her to our world?" I asked.
"Like this..." Lily snapped her fingers. Then small, glowing Yellow Butterflies came in as a big float, they went under Chloe and next thing we knew, she was floating. "The Butterflies follow wherever I go."
We all smiled.
"Good thinking Lils!" April cheered. We all high fived and made our way back to our World.

Rascal's P.O.V
"They're nowhere to be seen!" Ulric raged.
"Let's carry on Tomorrow." Brooha rested her hand on Ulric's sholder, he sighed and nodded. I used my magic and made all of us back. We all waved goodbye to each other and retreated to our rooms. I teleported myself to my room. I was going to open the door but I figured that it was open.
I walked in and made my way over to the bed. My eyes widen and I gasped real loud.
"No! Where IS SHE?!" I screamed, I fell to the ground holding my head. The others burst into my room.
"What's wrong?!" Brute asked worridly. Tears started to brim in my eyes.
"Sh-She...." I teared but couldn't finish. Brooha came to me.
"She?" Brooha said, "Wait, Chloe! She's gone!" Looking at the empty bed.
"Th-They took h-her..." I said holding my arms.
"Who?" Ulric asked.
"There's only one Group that must've taken her, they want her back on their side." Brooha explained.
"Which is..." Brute started. My eyes stopped watering. My eyes Glowed red,
"The... Glitter Force..."

(Author's Note)
Duno how many time I've said that but who cares. I like Pie. Enjoy!
And Happy Valentines!

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