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“I’m cheating on you; do you need me to say it again?” Nick said.

“No. We’re over but do me one favour okay?” I say.

“What is it?” Nick asked.

“Just tell me who it is.” I responded.

“Oh I don’t think that’s a good idea you won’t be too happy.” Nick replied.

“Who is it Nick?” I asked.


The whole class gasped and then the teacher walked in and everyone but Nick and I quickly sat down.

“Nick, Eliza please sit down.” She said. I looked at Nick and ran out if the room. I ran quickly down the hall crying well doing so, I can’t believe Nick was cheating on me with my best friend. I sat down against the wall and a minute later I felt someone sit next to me.

“You okay Eliza?” Niall asked. I looked up at him.

“No I’m not okay but I will be.” I said taking a deep breath. Niall looked at me and I could see worry all over his face. He leaned over to hug me and then paused.

“Too soon?” he asked. I smiled.

“No it’s fine” I said giving him a hug. I glanced around and noticed that my bag was here.

“Oh thanks for brining my bag Niall.” I said.

“No problem love.” Niall responded. I glanced at my phone.

“Let’s just go back to your place now my brother can find his own way home.” I said getting up. I helped Niall up and we walked to his car me quickly texting my brother that he had to get his own way home.

“What about your car?” Niall asked. I glanced at it.

“I’ll get it tomorrow.” I said. I jump into his car and we are off to his house. We pull up outside of it and I’m shocked it’s beautiful, one of the best houses I have ever seen.

“Wow Niall you’re house, it’s amazing.” I said. Niall smiled and helped me out of the car. We grab our bags and walked up to the house, Niall grabbing his key and opening the door motioning for me to go in. He showed me around and we put our bags down in the living room and sat down on his couch.

“Do you want something to eat?” Niall asked me.

“Sure, something little would be great.” I responded. Niall jumped up and I got up to follow him.

“No, no you stay here I’ll get it.” He said gently pushing my shoulders down. I sat down and looked around. There were many pictures of him and the boys and his family. I looked down at my lap I couldn’t believe that Nick had been cheating on me and with Lisa. I thought she was my best friend. School tomorrow was going to be really awkward; I guess maybe I’ll eat with the boys. They’re all really nice and I don’t want to eat with the gang. I wonder who all knew. Why wouldn’t they tell me? Whoever knew and didn’t tell me I will never forgive them. I continued to think about it and I could slowly feel tears rolling down my face. I felt someone sit on the couch next to me and I looked up at Niall’s face.

“You okay Eliza?”

“I don’t even know right now.” I said.

“I know what will make you feel better lets go out for dinner!”

“I’m not dressed up enough.” I said.

“Okay go to your house and we’ll meet at Nando’s.” Niall responded. (A/N let’s pretend there’s a Nandos here.)

“Okay, that sounds great, Nick wasn’t worth it anyways this date will be a great way to forget about everything.”

“Okay but first let’s think about our English project and the audition.” Niall said.

“Okay sounds good.” I said smiling.

“So any ideas?” Niall asked.

“Let’s focus on English we can meet up tomorrow for the audition.” I said.

“Okay, so a short story.” Niall said.

“Well I have one idea.” I said nervously.

“Let’s hear it!” Niall said.

“Okay, a girl has one week left to live and she makes a bucket list and there’s stuff on it like meet someone famous, get my crush to like me.” I said looking at Niall.

“That sounds like a great idea!” Niall said. We tossed around a few more ideas until I realized I should really be getting home so I could change.

“I’ll just go home and meet you at Nando’s then?” I asked.

“Sure I’ll see you there.” Niall responded smiling. I quickly got up went home and changed and went to Nando’s.


I showed up Nando's, my eyes scanned over my outfit before entering the building. My palms felt clammy, I rubbed them on the inside of the jacket, my heartbeat quickened with every step I took towards the registration counter. I cleared my throat while coming to a halt.

"Um, I'm here to meet Niall Horan," I said, looking into the green eyes of the waiter. He looked at me curiously before looking down at a notepad that had chicken scratch writing on it.

"Come with me," He walked to the back of the restaurant, into the kitchen and up two flights of stairs. The whole time I followed the waiter, my nose was scrunched up and there was a line in between my eyebrows while they were pulled together. We arrived at the roof of the building, Candles covered the pavement of the roof, and there was a table in the middle, and rose petals covered the table cloth. Niall looked up at me, a smile quickly etched onto his face, he stood, opening the chair and sliding me in.

"Wow Eliza. You look great!" Niall gestured to my outfit. I smirked, the chuckled.

"Yeah, right, I would've dressed a lot better if I had known how first class this dinner was going to be," I spoke after ordering  my food.

"You look beautiful," He took my hand in his, kissing the top of it gently.

 After dinner, he walked me home, stopping in front of my gate leading to my front yard and door. His hand went to the back of his neck, and he took his bottom lip between his teeth. His beautiful eyes searched mine, and I had a smile etched on my face. I inserted my hands in my hoodie pocket.

"Do you want to come in?" I questioned, starting to open the gate. Niall smiled, nodding his head slowly. He followed me inside, talking quietly under his breath.

"What?" I turned around; suddenly Niall was very close to my body. His hands were on my sides, his thumbs rubbing circles. His blue eyes bored into mine and felt my heart skip beats. His breathing was quick; his puffs of air came out warm and on my face. He swallowed suddenly then looked at my lips.

"Eliza?" He asked, looking back in my eyes. I nodded my head, gesturing him to go on. "I really like that we became friends," He spoke the words quickly before giving me a hug. My hands encircled his neck, pulling him closer to me, and his hands lowered to my waist, squeezing lightly, pulling me in contact with his chest.

"Goodnight, I'm looking forward to our next date," He said smiling. He exited my house. I smiled knowing we would see each other tomorrow at school.


So Niall and Eliza?

Ship name ideas?

do you want her to get back with Nick?

or another one of the boys?

Drop a comment and let me know :) hope everyone is liking it and please check out my other story Jesse and Me. i'll update as soon as I can.






Xx Elea

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