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"So Eliza, what are you doing tonight?" I asked.

"Well, I'm going to Niall's after school so that we can work on our audition for the play, what about you?" She replied. I sighed of course something with Niall.

"Well I don't have a partner so I can't audition...." I trialed off.

"Well, all you need to do is find a partner. Ask one of the girls in your group!" Eliza said glancing over to where my group was sitting. I saw Lisa look over at our group and when she saw all of us looking over she looked away.

"The only girl that doesn't have a partner and who is a really good singer is Lisa." I replied.

"Then go ask her!" Eliza exclaimed.

"I didn't think you would like that." I replied.

"Well I won't have to see her." She replied.

"Okay, I'll go ask her." I said with that I got up and walked over to where my group was just as the bell rang. I sat down next to Lisa and she gave me a big smile.

"Hey, Harry!" she said.

"Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner for the auditions for the play." I asked. She looked me up and down trying I guess to decide if I was serious or not.

"Sure" She said.

"Perfect, do you want to get together tonight then and work on our audition?" I asked.

"Yea why not, your place? I can meet you after school." She said smiling at me.

"Sure why not see you then." The teacher then walked in began class.

"Okay class for you and your groups first assignment your group will perform some songs. One will be girls versus the boys, all together and then the last thing you can choose what you want to do." The class began to talk excitedly and everyone was looking at one and other.

"Okay so I will give you a few minutes to talk to your group and decide what you will do." With that the teacher sat down at her desk and I turned to my group.


The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Okay class for you and your groups first assignment your group will perform some songs. One will be girls versus the boys, all together and then the last thing you can choose what you want to do." The class began to talk excitedly and everyone was looking at one and other.

"Okay so I will give you a few minutes to talk to your group and decide what you will do." With that the teacher sat down at her desk and I turned to my group.

"So do you guys want to decide what we will sing together and then break off into girls and guys and then decided what we will do for that last thing?" I said taking charge.

"Sure sounds good." Lim answered.

"So does anyone have an idea what we should do all together?" Louis asked.

"Nope, I have no clue." Zayn and Niall said. Lily shook her head and Liam shrugged his shoulders. Emma and Emily looked at each other and shook their heads too.

"Well why don't we look some up?" Emily suggested.

"That's a good idea!" I said smiling at Emily. We all picked up our phones and began to search the internet. After a while I heard Lily speak up.

"Maybe we could do Don't Stop Believing, Eliza and Liam could do the lead vocals because I think they are the strongest out of all of us." She said timidly and then looked down at the ground. We all looked at one and other and nodded our heads in a agreement.

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