Chp. 2 Phoenix Drop?

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She could feel something within her, something pulling her. Iris didn't know what it was...all she knew was that somehow, she was supposed to be here. Unfortunately, her thoughts were interrupted by a yell by someone on top of the wall. Yet another man in armor, but he was older. Even from a distance she could tell his wisdom exceeded the young man's by quite a bit.

"Kyle!" The blue haired man shouted, then he noticed Iris and tensed up a little. "Who's this?"

The boy, his name now known as Kyle, replied to the man. "I found her only a little way away from the walls! Lord Levin should be informed!"

The man obviously agreed, "Alright! I'll let you in to wait so I can let him know!" he climbed down and opened the gait and Kyle showed Iris to go on inside, she did so but he made sure to stay close enough in case she tried to run. It's not like I have anywhere to be, not that I would remember. She joked within herself. It did little to raise her spirits.

"I'll go get Levin," the man looked at Iris for a brief moment,"We don't have visitors often." Then he went off along a gravel path.

She shuddered, something about what that man said frightened her, it was almost like a threat. She turned towards Kyle, "So, Who is this... Levin?"

"Oh. Um... He's our lord. You'll like him." he said with ultimate certainty.

"Will I?" She asked.

"Yeah. You will." He gave her a reassuring smile.

Iris sighed, "What's a...Lord?"

Kyle looked surprised, he said nothing for a moment and simply looked at her, wondering if she was joking or not. "A lord is someone who speaks for a whole village. Someone who is in charge of it and has lot's of responsibilities. It can be a man or a women."

"Huh, interesting." Iris said simply, thinking.

"that's about all I know of it, after all, I'm only a guard."

"Oh okay well, thank you for telling me."

"Sure thing." he said, looking over at the path.

Then, as if on cue, the guard with blue hair had returned. With a young man about the same age of Kyle but his hair was a lighter blonde and had blue eyes. He was quite handsome but Iris didn't notice. She simply thought that he was too young to be a lord. People in places of power should have wisdom, Levin seemed to have little.

Levin looked at Kyle, then at Iris, then to the guard with blue hair. "Dante, what is this?"

Dante, so that was his name. "You should ask him,"Dante said, pointing to Kyle and Iris.

"Very well, Kyle, tell me who is this?" Levin asked.

Kyle replied, "She refused to give her name Lord Levin."

Then all eyes turned to Iris, she crossed her arms nervously. "So then, what is you name?" Levin asked, stepping towards her.

she looked at the three looking at her, she didn't know what to answer but felt no threat from them. Oh well, here goes. "Iris."

"well then Iris," he said curious, "Why are you here?"

she smirked, "He took me here." gesturing to Kyle.

Levin chuckled, as well as Dante, "You know that's not what I meant."

Iris sighed, "I-I don't know." looking at her feet.

Levin looked at Dante with a sympathetic expression, Dante looked back at him. Levin sighed then looked at Iris, "Well, come on. Let's get you some place to stay."

Iris looked back up at him, confused. But she said nothing and followed Dante and Levin while Kyle stayed at the gate to keep watch.

Her thoughts became overflowing with questions, but only one subject seemed to be at the top of her mind. Phoenix Drop...


Well... what do you think? i know its going a little slowly but I'm trying my best to keep it interesting and not too boring. please tell me if you have any suggestions and remember: I try to update it daily (or as often as possible).

p.s. there's going to a little romance in this book too if your getting bored.


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