Chp. 4 Malachi

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She didn't get any sleep that night, all she could do was think about was: why she was here? Why doesn't she remember anything? Is someone waiting for her? Will she ever remember what happened?

Why, Why, Why. Why me? she shook her head, trying to bring herself back to the present. She went down the ladder and for some reason, she bumped into the young man with the green scarf.

"Oh, um hi" The boy greeted her.

"Hi." she said, crossing her arms. He was in her way and she was already having a bad day. Will this get any better?

"Uh, listen. I'm sorry for not introducing myself with you earlier and... Being suspicious." he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Obviously sorry.

she humphed, "I don't blame you, but frankly, I don't care what you thought." Changing the subject, "Why were you heading this way?"

"Actually I was coming to check on you. You looked pretty nervous yesterday."

"Who wouldn't be?" she said.

"Heh, cant argue with that." Stretching out his hand, "I'm Malachi."

She hesitated but then gripped his hand. "Nice to meet you, Malachi."

"So, Iris?"

"Yeah...?" she said, unsure.

"Would you like a tour of the town since your our new resident, or at least temporary resident."

"I guess. I don't anything else to do." 

"Okay then, shall we?" he said polity, letting her go first.

Iris could see his joke, so she played along. "We shall." and with that she walked ahead of him and he told about the town, step by step.

First, they spoke about the tree and Malachi mentioned how him and Levin's mom first built it. After 15 years, it expanded and they made it to accommodate several people. Then, they spoke about Donna's and Logan's little family. They were greeted by the two little rascals Rollo and Lello. She was shocked at first to see one of them in a werewolf form then turn back into human. Malachi explained that Logan was a half-werewolf and so his children were as well. There they met Yip, trying to control his little brothers while their mother fed her 1 year old daughter (at least I think she would be one by now.)

They then met Kawaii~Chan and her daughter, Nekoette, and her half brother Dmitri. They were Dante's family. Iris was surprised that man had such a sweet family but was still very glad for him. Then Malachi brought her to the gate and introduced her to a girl around her own age: Alexis. They exchanged pleasantries and smiles and before long, the sun went down. Malachi had to leave to speak with Levin but that gave her and Alexis to talk some more before Iris decided to go back to the tree house.

That night, she slept. She felt comfortable in this little community, She did have some nightmares but that didn't matter, She knew that she was safe. And that, maybe, she could actually live here.


This was a little longer. I'm trying to keep it interesting but I didn't really have much ideas for this chapter. If you have any suggestions then please message me or tell me in the comments!


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