Chp. 5 Baby sitting?!

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(Time skip 2 days)

To sum up, Iris ended up playing with Dmitri and Nekoette and ended up getting talkked into babysitting since Dante needed to go on a long patrol with Alexis to look for any faults in the walls and for places to improve on for more protection. Kawaii~Chan needed a break so she went to hang out with Donna for some girl time without the kids, and guess who had to watch rollo and lello AND luca! of course, Yip offered his help and Iris was more than happy to accept it and the baby sitting starts now!



"Iris~sama, when can Nekoette~tan and the others eat?"

"Uhh...." Iris looked to Yip, who was trying to distract his brothers with sword fighting... and failing. They were werewolves and didn't have as much of an interest of beating a practice dummy as much as Dmitri did, they just ran around. Iris was sitting on the porch of Donna's house with Luca. The mothers decided to hang out at Kawaii~Chan's house and Donna let Iris and Yip use her house.

"Soon. Nekoette." Iris replied to the young girl, she was a sweetheart but Iris was just glad that she didn't have to deal with the boys, That was Yip's job.

"No Rollo ju- Lello! where are you- No! Argh!" He was only an hour into babysitting all three and he was already making himself flustered. Iris giggled at him, causing little Nekoette to start laughing and going into the house to grab some cookies. As soon as she walked out the doorway, the twins stopped in their tracks. Oh no... thought Iris. She quickly grabbed the plate of cookies away from Nekoette causing her to look at her, confused. Iris set the plate on the counter top and decided to give Nekoette somthing to do.


"Yes Iris~sama?"

"You can bake an apple pie now right?"

"Yes papa tells me its delicious!"

"And can you make one without your mom's help?"

Nekoette shook her head vigorously, "Yes! Nekoette~tan learning cupcakes now too! Although... Nekoette~tan cant do the frosting right. Why?"

"Can you make one for desert later?" Iris asked, balancing the baby and the milk bottle, now taken out of the cupboard and shaking it.

"Yes Iris~sama! Nekoette~tan will get to making it right now!" and with that, she ran off to gather the supplies around the kitchen and Iris hesitantly left her to make the pie.  Donna made some soup so they have their lunch... I just hope she's back before dinner. I don't know how much of this we can take!

Yip walked up to Iris, who now went back to the porch with Luca. "Hey," he panted between his words, "Iris," still panting, "How about I take care of Luca and you watch over the boys... for a little bit."

Iris giggled, "I could just let them torture you...but... I don't know how your mom will react to find out you jumped off the roof to end your misery." She joked.

he panted, and chuckled as well, "Not...Funny..." he seemed to calm himself down almost all the way, when... Dmitri threw a sword and it hit one of the steps, getting stuck. causing Iris to drop the bottle and Luca to cry.

Iris sighed, "Take Luca and get her some more milk. I'll take care of the boys."

'Thank you' he mouthed before going into the house.

Iris rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the boys, who were all standing in line, nervous. Dmitri stepped up, "I'm sorry, I wanted to show Rollo how good I was with the swords and..." Iris shushed him and pulled out the sword, taking the second away from Dmitri and placing them next to the training dummy. She then walked over the the water and said to the boys: "Who wants to play a game?"

To her surprise, the boys brightened. 

"Okay... what games do you want?" Iris said putting her hands on her hip, smiling.

"Tag?" Lello jumped.

"No hide and seek!" Rollo demanded.

"uh... no idea... in Scaleswind (is that how you spell it) we had lots of room and there's not as much here..."

"Well we'll make do then." Iris sat down on the grass in front of the boys. "We'll have hide and seek and once you go to one spot, you have so stay there until the finder finds you."

"Okay, but who's seeking?" Dmitri asked.

"I'll do it!" Lello raised his hand.

Iris smiled, "Okay lello, your the seeker. count to ten and then go look for us." She looked at the other, "And we're only hiding near the house, I don't want to lose one of you."

The boys nodded their agreement and ran off in separate directions while Lello counted, covering his eyes with his small hands.


Okay guys! I know not what you were expecting but i decided to do something fun and I don't have any ideas really so... yeah.

The game isn't finished though, another chapter on the rest of the baby sitting adventures should be out sometime tomorrow! Peace out!


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