Chp. 10 A Familiar Face Pt. 1

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Okay guys! finally another update! its been about two or three weeks since I've updated and I'm sorry about that but, I have a life too and I'm in this creative phase with so many fluffing story ideas going through my mind... It's not even funny.
anyways! onto the story!



It has been a few days since...well since  everything. But to be Specific, it's been about two or three days since Dante gave me my sword. He has even started to give me some responsibility and i watch the gate for a few hours at lunchtime to the others can go and have free time. I insisted today that I watch for an hour earlier because I saw Alexis chatting with Yip, and I know how much she likes him. It's pretty darn obvious. Levin and Malachi were talking a few feet from the gate, talking about some place called O'khasis and mentioned something about being prepared and staying on guard.

Malachi would look up at me, as if making sure I was still there. Or making sure I'm not listening. I was convinced he still didn't trust me. Levin seemed alright with me but he was the younger brother to Malachi, he probably listens to him.

Malachi was about to turn his head and look at me again, but his attention was drawn elsewhere as a beautiful women with black hair and brown eyes came running to them. And she said their names! She obviously knew them, but I still got ready to shut the gate or run off and get help in case something happened.

While they talked, I listened to every word. I wasn't eavesdropping but they made no effort to be quiet so It was not my fault.

They soon headed in the village, I looked around me for something, I spotted a pebble. Perfect, I thought. I grabbed it and aimed for the back of Levin's head. He turned to me immediately, rubbing the back of his head. I shrugged and smiled, mouthing sorry.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, annoyed. He looked back at his "mother" and Malachi and then to me, mouthing, What?

I pointed to the village, gripping my sword with one hand and looking at him with worried eyes.

He looked at me for a second, confused.

I did the same motions again and he got the message, nodding his head in understanding and then looking at me.

He shook his head no and smiled, as if reassuring me that it will be alright.

I looked  at him for another moment, debating and then gave curtly nod, acknowledging him.

He turned and rushed back to the others. Leaving me, staring at his fleeting figure and wondering if I should listen. He's the lord, Iris. The lord. You need to do as he says.

Unfortunately my conscious was right. I had to stay right where I was and make sure no unwanted guests arrived. Only another hour and Kyle-Or was it Alexis today?-would take over and I could go do some more training. 

Until then I sat on the the wall, my legs hanging off the edge and my sword laying on my lap while I wiped it with a handkerchief for the hundredth time.


I know short... sorry but I'll continue it soon.
Keep on soaring my little doves...


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