Chp. 8 Acceptance

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Levin's POV

I sat in front of my fireplace, thinking. Aphmau is on a so called 'adventure', threats of an attack on our village and neighboring villages are rising, a new girl is here who claims to have no memory. Stop it. I tell myself. Thinking will do you no good.

I rub my temples, sighing. Being a lord is not at all as I expected when I stepped up...

There was a knock on the door, drawing my attention from the fireplace. "Lord Levin?" It was Dante.

I stood up and opened the door for him, "Hey Dante, how are you?" I said while inviting him in.

"Oh, I'm quite well Levin." He accepted my invite and walked in.

"Why are you here? Is something wrong?" I asked, getting to the point.

Dante hesitated, "You remember Iris?"

"I remember her quite well Dante. That girl has been the talk of this place since she got here."

"Well, then are you aware of our current guard situation?"

"What situation?" I asked, looking at Dante slightly more curious of where this was going.

"Levin, I know that it can't be helped but we only have three (I think...) guards in the village."


"I would like to recruit another guard. But only if you approve, after all, you're our Lord."

"Well, who is it then Dante?"


"What?" I looked at him, is this a joke? "Are you serious Dante?!"

"Dead serious Levin."

"She's new to the village, how are you so prone to trust her?!"

"Because Aphmau trusted me."

I was speechless.

"When I barely met your mother she trusted me and eventually she offered me to be a guard in Phoenix Drop. I didn't understand how she could be so kind to me when she hadn't known me for so long but... I accepted. It was the greatest honor I could ever get when I had no village of my own to protect."

"Dante... I... I'm sorry." I sighed, "Are you sure you can trust her?"

He looked at me, he tried to look his best as determined but I could sense his worry, he was afraid to trust her too. "Yes."

Iris's POV

"YAY!!!!!!" I jumped up and down, I could barely contain my excitement. I'm going to be a guard!

Dante looked a little surprised from my sudden outburst and stepped back and waited while I yelled 'yes' and 'yay' and 'woohoo' several times until I was done.

"You done?" Dante asked me as I breathed heavily, smiling although I tired myself out from all the yelling.

I nodded.

"Alright then, meet me by the outer gate tomorrow at sunrise. Don't be late." With that, he winked at me acknowledging that he understood my excitement and walked off to his home.

I watched as he went, his wife opening the door and embracing him, little Nekoette running up to him saying, "Papa!". I smiled. Dmitri went and hugged his father, telling him how he has been practicing and getting better with his father's old swords. Dante went inside with Kawaii~Chan smiling and telling him how she missed him and Nekoette bounding after them. Dmitri turned his attention from his father to me, smiling. I smiled back to him and gestured for him to go to his family. He nodded and went inside.

I laughed lightly to myself, smiling and feeling as if this night couldn't get any better, I walked back to the statue with my hands behind my back.

After I had arrived, I sat down on the same place as before and looked at the stars' reflection on the swift yet soft rippling sea. I changed my position from sitting to laying and closed my eyes.

"Iris" a voice called, I could barely hear it but it was there, calling my name.

Before I could question it, my eyes betrayed me and I fell asleep.


Thanks for reading, sorry for the late release everyone!


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