Chp. 10 A Familiar Face Pt. 2

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"Huh?" I heard someone call my name, Yip.

"Here!" Yip called to me, waving his arms. I grinned.

"I can see you Yip, I'm not blind!" I told him, watching as he climbed up the ladder and joined me on top the wall. I could tell he was excited, but beneath those olive green eyes I could tell he was conflicted. "Why did you come?"

He looked down, "Aphmau came by."

"You mean..." 

"Levin's and Malachi's mom." He sighed.

"Oh," Seemed like a good answer to that. "How long has she been gone from the village?"

"You mean after she returned after disappearing for 15 years?" I flinched at that, he usually wasn't this upset.

"Yip," I turned myself so I could look at him straight and caused him to glance at me, "What's wrong?"

"She's returned from that island, she's found a place to settle but she needs help. Their company isn't of builders, warriors and adventurers, but not anything useful for starting a settlement."

"So she's asked for help?" I summed up.

"She's asked for people." He said blankly.

"People?" I was confused.

Yip looked at me, holding his gaze as if trying to be brave and let it all out in one breath, "I volunteered to go and I'm sure my family will be alright with it, but I don't know how Alexis will be."

"Alexis..." I said, in voice barely above a whisper.

"She's my best friend, should she even see me? Should I just leave? or maybe I should just let her know now and be done with it?"

"I don't know Yip, I don't know Alexis so I cant help ya." It was sad but it was true, I was still a newcomer here and didn't know much. Yip's head lowered slightly at that truth.

He looked back out, at the trees and the lonely scenery of old phoenix drop. I wished I could comfort him more but it was not my place to do so. I was relieved to be well...relieved. Kyle and Alexis came and took my spot in watching the wall. Kyle at the top and Alexis on the ground, leaning against the side of the wall. She waved a hello to Yip and me and we waved back, I didn't feel like talking to her. Yip didn't either apparently so we both went to the village.

We walked till we were near the tree. And, yes, we were walking together, but we didn't talk. We just walked until we reached the part where the path split and went towards his home, then we parted ways.


My curiosity got the best of me.

After Yip had gone to talk to his family, and I made a quick visit to the tree house, I went to Levin's and Malachi's house. I snuck by their windows, glancing around me every few minutes to make sure no one saw me. I listened what Levin and Malachi said to each other.

"I can't believe it... She's coming and going again." Malachi said.

Levin's voice spoke out, "She's gonna be a lord again. It's strange, She was the lord before me and now I've took that place, Aphmau could've taken the place of lord out from under me if she wanted but she didn't. Yet she still gets the role of lord again."

"Not to mention the fact that she's leading an alliance." Malachi added.

"She's quite the multitasker," he chuckled.

Malachi agreed. I shook my head and walked away from the window, making sure not to be noticed. I was already guilty enough, but that name; Aphmau. It seemed so familiar... I've heard it several times already but hearing her own son say her name, It was strange.

I wanted to see tho docks, Kyle had mentioned how it was a good place to be, it was calm. I took his word for it and walked down there. There was the sound of retreating footsteps and I could see the aged elf in the distance. She must have finished her time here. I haven't met her yet, I don't even know her name.

I continued to the docks though, walking to where the tree's roots extended above my height and into the water, there was some area with sand so I could stand there, leaning against the base of the tree while looking at the stars and listening to the water thrashing itself onto the shore.

I started to nod off after about an hour or two, my body still staying in the position it was in, except for my head which was now down so it looked like I was staring at the sand. I heard Levin's voice say Aphmau. Then I heard Yip's, the Alexis's voice joined in saying the name over and over again. Overlapping over each other's voices as well as some other's whom I could not identify over the sea of voices.

I then heard a women's voice, beautiful. It was eerily familiar and I heard her say my name. "Iris" she said. 

Who are you?" I asked in my dream.

"Iris," she addressed me again, "It's time to go."

"Go where?"

"I know you wanted to say goodbye, but I cant wait any longer. Will you still come with me?" She looked at me, her brown eyes pleading. She seemed like she understood if I would not but hoped I would.

I didn't understand. "Go with you where?" My own voice came above mine, but I wasn't speaking it. I heard the voice speak to the mysterious women, "Yes, you know I will. I always will Irene." What? Irene? who is that? I thought. Why is that voice- my voice- saying yes?

The women smiled at me, she looked up at someplace that looked...white. It was large and-

My eyes stretched out wide and I woke up. I looked at the water thrashing on the shore in front of me and I glanced at the stars. A thousand questions going through my mind. I felt like I was about to cry, my eyes were wet but I shed no tears.

"Who is Irene?" I asked the stars. 

Of course, they gave no answer.


Cliffhangers! I know you readers just hate it when the authors end it like that but as an author, I love it. I know I'm terrible, but deal with it. I'm glad I could finally post two new chapters that are interesting, and are part of the plot. (even though it's not really a cliffhanger but it seems like it to me)

So keep you and your dreams soaring my wonderful doves!


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