Chp. 7 The Statue, and the Offer

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Hey guys! just letting you know: My schedule is up! go on my account to see it. Now back to the story peeps.

p.s the video up top is my favorite song. play it when reading to get into the mood.



I got up before sunrise. Walking along the path, hugging myself from the chilly morning breeze. My current outfit was a red shirt, a pair of black pants, (sorta like skinny jeans but with a polyester look to it and no pockets.) and some brown long boots that reached an inch or two lower than my knees. It was quite comfortable considering it was the same outfit that I woke up in. I guess I liked it then as much as I did now because I didn't want a new outfit. At least, not yet.

It wasn't that cold. The early morning shadows and the lack of people in their wake is what gave me my chills. I let out a long and lonely sigh, What is wrong with me? I couldn't answer that question, I didn't want to. But I knew the answer... It was, somewhere in me.

I shook my head and grabbed the bridge of my nose in frustration. Stop it Iris. I told myself. I walked a bit more and saw something. It was on top of a tall hill that arched by the sea. I was so curious and enchanted by the way it looked from the distance, glowing in the moonlight, I headed towards it and walked up the steep hill.

I soon saw it was a statue. It was glorious, with wings and holding a sort of purple shard while closing it's eyes and looking up. It was angelic. I stayed there for a while, sitting on the edge of it, watching the water that it held spill into the sea. I could hear something... It was so faint, so gentle, so comforting. What is it? it was some sort of song, although it was being hummed. I didn't know who was humming it but the voice was beautiful and made me feel so relaxed. I nearly fell asleep if it wasn't for the village beginning to stir.


"Iris,hello." Dante appeared, I was barely back to the tree house when he called out to me.

I turned to him, smiling, I was more at peace with myself and... I guess less disturbed by my amnesia. "Hey, I was just going back to-"

"Yeah the tree house I know." He looked at me for a second, as if trying to figure me out, "Do you consider yourself a fighter?"

That was a strange thing to ask. " I- I would assume that I'm a bit of a stubborn one but I would't really know." and there we go again, self doubt returns! Thanks a lot Dante.

"I see. Well... We only have a few guards and I'm getting..." he strained to say the last word. "Older"

I looked at him, confused. Where is this conversation going?

"What I mean is... I've realized that despite our size and the small amount of people here, we still need protection and I for one would like to recruit you."

"Re-Recruit!?" I looked at him, bug eyed and my mouth stuttering each word.

"Yes, Iris when we first met you, I could tell you were independent, even when you were scared you tried to keep your cool and there was that hint of fiery stubbornness in your eyes whenever someone asked you a question." He smiled, "You remind me of myself in a way."

I couldn't help but think about what he said, "Could I?"

he nodded, "I will have to tell Levin about it first but I have no doubt that you would make a great guard. I know I did."

I looked at him, speechless. Then, I felt a surge of confidence, "Dante, I accept your offer to become a guard of Phoenix Drop"

He chuckled. "Definitely like me. Sure we're not related?"

I chuckled, "I'm pretty sure my hair is brown, not blue."

He smiled. I nodded to him in farewell and continued to the tree house. I stayed there for the rest of the day, looking out and thinking. So much has happened since I woke up and was introduced to Phoenix Drop, and I have a feeling that there more to come.


Hey guys! I think I've come up with a solid story line since when I first started this I just came up with whatever and went with it but now, the plot is finally getting somewhere!

nothin' more to say now. peace out my little doves.


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