Chapter 23

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It's almost time to eat dinner as Lucas and I walk out from the mall. We decided to go shopping during the afternoon. I didn't thought guys were into shopping, but it turns out some are. Lucas really liked to try clothes on, and I'll be honest and say that I was surprised. Well, I could figure it out since his clothes probably are very carefully chosen.

I bought some T-shirts and a pair of shorts for the summer. Also, I bought a new lipstick in purple. Lucas really spent some money. He's carrying four big bags which contain a pair of shoes, some trousers and lots of shirts.

"I like shopping, okay?" he defended himself when I commented how much money he has spent today.

We head towards Lucas' car to go grab some dinner.

"What do you want to eat?" Lucas asks me when we sit in the car.

"McDonalds?" I ask him as I put my seatbelt on.

"McDonalds it is." he smiles and turns the car on.


Around 15 minutes later we arrive at the restaurant. We decide to bring the food to Lucas' place so we can eat it in peace. I feel very nervous about that. I'm going to his place. Who knows what he could do to me! Maybe he looks me inside a room without windows? Gosh Perrie, now you're being paranoid again

I have to stop thinking.


"And welcome to my apartment!" Lucas' welcomes me as he opens the door. He lives on the fifth floor in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Middlesbrough, but not in the same area as the restaurant we ate lunch at.

He steps in with all of his bags and the food we bought, and I follow him.

I put my bags down in the hallway and continue further in the apartment.

To the right there's the kitchen. It looks newly renovated and it's very clean and light. The cabinets are made out of light wood and the counter surface are made out of white stone.

"Perrie?" I hear Lucas ask from the hallway.

"Yes?" I say, and now he knows where I went. He enters the kitchen with the food and puts it on a counter.

"You've already found the kitchen, the most important room." he jokes. "Can I show you the rest?"

"Sure." I answer and follows him out in the hallway again.

He shows me his bedroom, a pretty small room with grey walls and a double bed. The sheets are navy and so are the curtains. Otherwise, he has a white dresser and a poster of some band logo that I don't know.

"It's nice." I say when I've looked around.

"Thanks. Now, to the last room."

"Oh, you've only got two? That's a long house tour." I laugh.

"Ha, ha, ha..." He smiles, so I know he didn't take that as an insult. "I live alone, so I don't need any more space."

He shows me the living room. It's big, I'd say, bigger than I thought it would be, judging by his bedroom and hallway. The walls are white and the floor is wooden. The couch is made out grey fabric and he has a massive TV on the wall across it.

"Wow! That TV is huge." I comment. It's much bigger than ours at home.

"You think? There are bigger."

"Well, mine is small compared to this one." I say as I sit down on the couch. I look around the rest of the room. His collection of acoustic guitars is placed beside a key-board. Of course  he has equipment like this. I bet he plays everyday. Then, by the entrance to the kitchen there's a dining table. The table is made out of wood that looks like the one one the cabinets and counters in the kitchen, and the chairs are white.

"I think your apartment is very nice. It's cozy."

"Thank you. I don't have that good sense in furnishing."

"At least you have a good sense in clothing." I say before I think. I can't believe I said that out loud! Oh no... That's embarrassing.

"Thanks, I guess." he smiles and looks down at his feet. "You have great style too."

"Thank you." I smile. Is he blushing? Cute.

"Well, the food is waiting for us." he says, probably to focus on something else. I hope he didn't get self-concious about my comment. I don't want things to be weird now.


After 2 hours we're lying on the couch, Lucas and I. He let me borrow some gym shorts and a hoodie from him, since my jumpsuit was way too uncomfortable for a cozy wednesday night. A movie is on, but I can't remember the title. It's a romantic comedy, and to be honest I don't think Lucas is enjoying it very much. He probably chose because he thought I'd like it, and he was right.

Lucas isn't exactly lying down on the couch. He's more sitting, but he's not sitting up straight. I, on the other hand, is lying down with a pillow under my head, making it cozy for myself. His couch is very soft, and I really like it.

My head is pretty close to Lucas' left leg. Should I dare to move closer to him? Is it weird if I rest my head on his lap? Yeah, probably. I want to get closer to him, though. Now when I've got the chance to get a real cuddle with a guy, I want to take it.

I carefully sit up, moving a little closer to Lucas. He looks at me wondering what I'm doing, but he doesn't seem to mind. Therefore, I put my legs to left of me and lean in to his body, resting my head on his shoulder.

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