Chapter 11

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Iona woke with a start, no warm Snotlout beside her. The spot was losing its heat slowly, so Snotlout could've been gone for a bit. She got out of bed quickly, rushing outside to see what was happening.

At the harbour, she could see 50 boats coming to land, each one carrying a berserker flag.

"Iona!" A woman called, "we were just about to come and get you, how much do you know about fighting?" The woman asked.

"I can shoot a bow and swing a sword, but I'll need to ride a dragon out there to help." Iona replied.

"Oh, yes, right away." The woman said, before waving her hand and scurrying off, Iona following her.

They went to the blacksmith, where they got a gronkle iron sword that was perfect for Iona and a bow and a quiver of arrows. They then went to the stables where the woman let Iona onto a Deadly Nadder.

Iona thanked the woman and flew off to where she could see Snotlout blowing up some boats.

"Hey Snotty!" She called as she flew up to him.
"Really? Nicknames already?" He asked smiling as Hookfang lit part of a boat on fire.
"Yeah!" Iona called to him, knocking an arrow and aiming it at a soldier.

Iona saw Astrid get caught in a net and fall, so she dived after her, catching her mid air while Stormfly righted herself.
"You have to be more careful than that!" Iona called to Astrid who was still in the net.
"Stormfly, come get me girl!" Astrid called, ignoring Iona's remark.

Astrid jumped out of the net and back into the fray.

Iona saw a ship bigger than the rest, which was being targeted by Toothless and Hiccup. She headed over and saw the angry, red-headed maniac who owned this armada.

Together, Hiccup and Iona started destroying the main ship, and the commotion caused the other dragon riders to come closer to them and destroy the surrounding ships.

As the dragon riders watched the berserkers swim away, Hiccup called out, "I don't want to see you anywhere near Berk ever again Dagur!"

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