beanie boy

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tw: swearing, attempted non con

words: 2334

ages: phil - 19. dan - 18.

phil can't help but fall for the cute boy that starts to visit his regular coffee shop, those curls are to die for.


I stepped into my regular coffee shop, sighing contently as the delicious and familiar aroma of coffee and cinnamon hit me within seconds. By the looks of it, I was the only one here.

I ordered a gingerbread latte before sitting down at a little red sofa and pulling out my phone to scroll on tumblr.

After a minute or so my name was called out and I went to collect my drink, but as I turned around I bumped into someone I hadn't noticed earlier. Thankfully, my coffee didn't spill, but the person seemed to have dropped something.

I looked down, a black beanie with a fall out boy symbol printed in white on the front was laying on the ground in front of me. I immediately recognised the band logo, being an utter trashcan, and went down to pick it up so I could hand it back to its owner. It just so happened that they had the same idea, and our hands touched in an awkward collision, which we both recoiled to and violently retracted our hands.

I snuck a glance up and was mesmerised by what I saw.

A boy, he was only a bit shorter than me and couldn't be older than seventeen. He had Autumn coloured eyes that were wide open in a childlike sense. He had plump pink lips that were hanging open and his cheeks were round, slightly red and looked soft to touch. To add to his childlike features, he had chocolate curls falling down and framing his face perfectly, this boy was damn gorgeous.

It took me a minute to realise I was staring, but I wasn't as embarrassed as I should have been, because by the looks of it, he was staring too.

I bent down to pick up his beanie and cleared my throat awkwardly whilst holding it out to him. He turned a darker shade of pink and looked down, muttering a quite "thank you" whilst his curls bounced with the movement of his head.

Could this boy get any cuter?

I gave him an awkward smile and proceeded to make my way to the little red couch, but I couldn't concentrate on my tumblr feed, I was busy staring at a certain brown eyed boy with brown curls and a black beanie.


I came in at around the same time the next day, not because I was hoping that he would be there, not at all.

Yet I couldn't help but be slightly disappointed when I saw he wasn't there, only an elderly couple and a middle aged woman with wonky glasses.

I sighed quietly before ordering my usual and sitting down at my little red sofa and pulled out my phone, I heard the bell go and I subconsciously lifted my head to see who it was when I saw that it was him, the beanie boy.

I smiled at him slightly and he blushed and ducked his head but not before returning the smile.

I went back to scrolling and taking sips of coffee whilst simultaneously sneaking glances at the boy sat a few tables away from me, whose curly locks were now replaced with a head of straight brown hair. Not a beanie in sight.

𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora