forgetting important things and facing the consequences

1K 15 19

tw: epilepsy, swearing

words: 1285

ages: dan-25. phil-29.

dan has an epileptic fit at a meet and greet.


Everything was slightly blurry, and fans kept asking if he was alright, to which he'd reply 'yes of course' and even Phil was currently mouthing an 'are you okay' at him. He just smiled, trying to steady the world around him whilst also trying to focus on talking properly and not shaking as more people gave him hugs.

Because Dan forgot to take his meds today.

It was a simple mistake, and it often happened. Half way through the day he would suddenly realise that he'd completely forgotten that part of his daily routine and he'd quickly jump up and leave whatever he was doing to go and take his meds. However, all those other times he had been at home, but they were in public right now, and he didn't bring any with him. He hadn't had an actual fit in about 3 weeks, and he was glad, they were horrible. And he really didn't have them very often, but he was getting a familiar feeling in his fingers, and he knew this wasn't going to end well no matter how hard he tried to control himself.

A small chubby girl with short ginger curly hair came up to them, wearing a flower crown and a large grin on her freckled face. Dan smiled through the haze, hugging her and taking her tabinof from her little hands and unclipping the pen lid from his sharpie, pen poised ready to write his name. However, it seemed that he just, couldn't. His hand was frozen, and his whole body tensed as he dropped the book completely and his hand spasmed, not too noticeable, but Dan noticed.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

He exclaimed, embarrassed. The girl just smiled, picking up the book and handing it back to him, telling him it was okay.

No it's not he thought, because Phil was now staring at him with a concerned and suspicious gaze that Dan wouldn't meet.

Everything was okay for the next 10 minutes, apart from the random hand spasm now and then it was nothing that Dan couldn't handle, he thought that maybe nothing would happen.

He was wrong.

He smiled at another fan, before it fell from his face and he froze, his whole body tensing and untensing as he began shaking on the spot, not being able to control himself. He thinks he can make out some people shouting and asking him if he's okay, he's sure one of them is Phil, but he passes out before he can confirm it.


The first thought that enters Phil's head when he sees Dan begin to shake is shit, he forgot to take his meds again.

Some of the fans start shouting and asking what's happening, but Phil is only focused on Dan and the fact that he was most likely going to have a fit in front of hundreds of people. Before Dan could fall, he ran up behind him, catching him from under his arms just in time as he fully lost it. He began to shake and spasm violently, and Phil did his best to lower him to the floor as gently as he could without hurting the younger. He frowned deeply, he'd never seen Dan this had before whilst having a fit, and it was scaring him. He looked up at all the screaming fans, his head hurting.

"Guys, guys! Please!"

The shouting stopped.

"Dan is epileptic and I think he's having a fit right now. The best thing you can do is stay calm so that when he wakes up he's not terrified, because the chances are he'll be very confused."

A lot of them nodded, and he heard some squeals and 'aww's.

He grabbed his own jacket, placing it over Dan's lower body, knowing that there was a high chance he would pee himself and it would mortify him if the fans saw. Phil knelt down beside the still shaking figure, beginning to panic. It had been 6 minutes now and he was still fitting, if it carried on for longer than 10 he would need to call an ambulance. His lips had turned blue and his face white, and that was when Phil realised he wasn't breathing. He knelt over Dan's face, way too close for some of the fans mental states but right now he didn't care what they thought. Because Phil's face was right next to Dan's and he couldn't feel his breath.

Just as Phil was about to scream for someone to call an ambulance, Dan stopped shaking. His hands and legs jerked a few times and Phil waited, watching his chest. After a few seconds he saw it weakly rise and fall again, and he sat back, letting out a large breath. The room was silent, and Phil put his finger on his lips, motioning for it to stay like that. After another minute of Dan randomly shuddering a few times a low groan escaped his mouth, and Phil leant over.

"Dan? Can you hear me?"

He groaned again, and a few girls giggled. Phil wanted to scream at them that this wasn't funny, that Dan could have died. But they were only kids, of course they wouldn't understand.

"Dan baby, you need to get up."

He heard a few gasps and a few more squeals at the pet name, and he cursed himself for momentarily forgetting they were infront of about a thousand fans.

"Mph, Phiil?"

Phil sighed shakily, this whole day tiring him out. He hated it when Dan was like this, it hurt him to see the person he loved so confused and sad.

"Yes Dan, it's me. You had a fit, you're okay now."

Dan shook his head a little, confused.


He stopped when he turned and saw the hundreds of fangirls gaping at him. He then looked down at his lap, and Phil felt sorry for him and how embarrassed his baby must be feeling. He took him by his shoulders and looked him in the eyes, talking so no one else could hear them.

"Dan, it's okay love, no one knows."

He just nodded, blinking fast as his eyes watered up. Phil noticed and pulled his boyfriend into a loving hug, kissing the top of his head. More squeals were heard, and Phil was pretty sure they were being filmed.

"Phil, the fans."

Dan murmured.

"I don't care about them right now, I just need you to be okay."

Dan nodded, and they stayed like that for a little bit, Phil mouthed a 'thankyou' at all the fangirls and a lot of them smiled back.

"Phil, I don't feel so good."

He pulled away and Phil frowned, Dan's face was pale and he was still somewhat shaky, this was obviously more serious than he'd first thought. He told everyone he was sorry, but they were going to have to go to a hospital, and that they would reschedule the meet and greet. Everyone was understanding, and Phil was momentarily thankful for such a nice fandom.

He called a taxi and picked Dan up, carrying him inside as it drove them to the hospital. The doctors ended up putting Dan on some stronger medication, and Phil was so relieved.

The rest of that night was spent watching Winnie the Pooh with hot chocolate and cuddling on the couch. Phil was just glad his baby was going to be okay.


the ending was shit i'm sorry

i don't actually know anything about epilepsy so if any of this is inaccurate it's because i'm an uneducated fool

also three cheers for crappy title

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