sweet lies

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sorry for the shit title i'm bad at those but i saw this and thought it would be funny to write

tw: umm nein?

ages: dan - 24. phil - 29.

words: 967


Dan and Phil had been and lived together for 6 years now, and they had grown accustomed to one another's habits. They had also discovered that they both shared many of the same habits, good and bad. One of them being that they both couldn't help but stock up on sugar when they went shopping.

It had been Phil's turn to go shopping the previous day, and whilst he was out he had bought a box of sugar powdered donuts, wanting to try some when he got home. And of course he did, he had 3 before putting them back in the cupboard and saving them for later. Big mistake.


Dan was hungry.

He wasn't hungry hungry. He was just, hungry. And Phil was in their room, probably with his headphones on, so he was going to have to either wait for him to emerge from the bedroom or fix himself something to eat.

Upon hearing his stomach growl for the third time he decided that enough was enough. He put his laptop down, and with much struggle, stood from his browsing position.

He opened the fridge, frowning slightly.

It was completely full, but he didn't see anything that he wanted right now.

Closing the fridge door, he began rummaging through the cupboards.





A white box caught his eye, in red capital lettering it said 'SUAGR POWDERED DONUTS'


He picked up the box and smiled when he noticed that 3 had already been eaten, knowing his boyfriend in the next room had probably bought these and not told Dan in fear that he would eat them all. Well, he wasn't wrong.

He took the box with him and say back down on the sofa, returning to his browsing position.


It was a while later, and the donuts had been finished completely.

Dan was still sat on the sofa with his laptop and he was currently scrolling through the 'phan' tag on tumblr, laughing whenever he came across a form spring answer or a not - so - platonic photo from 2009. One day the fans were going to find some actual incriminating evidence and then he'll be screwed.

It was then that Phil came into the room, leaning over Dan and looking at his laptop.

"Whatchya doing?"

Dan shook his head and giggled slightly.

"Looking through our tag. So far I've found seven disturbing fanfics."

Phil laughed and kissed Dan's cheek before rubbing their noses together and kissing him fully on the lips. After a few seconds they broke away, both smiling, and Phil carried on into the kitchen area.

He began humming to himself as he reached into the bottom cupboard an- oh.

Phil frowned, he was sure he left the rest of the donuts here, unless -

Oh. Right. Of course Dan had eaten them all.

Phil sighed aloud, trying to fight off the fond smile making its way onto his face.


Dan looked up from his laptop to see Phil stood in front of him with his arms crossed. Oh no.

He gulped.


Phil narrowed his eyes at his seemingly innocent looking boyfriend. Paha, innocent.

"Did you eat all my donuts?"

Dan gulped again, oops.




"Are you lying?"

Dan smiled, a sweet smile, to anyone else he would have looked like an angel, but Phil knew what he was trying to do. Although, Phil still thinks he looks like an angel.


Phil lowered his gaze to some white dusting on Dan's navy blue jumper, busted.

"Well then, whats that?"

Phil pointed towards it and Dan followed his finger, internally cursing.

"It's, uh... I..."


Phil was now wearing a smug expression on his face, knowing all too well that he'd won this time.

Dan, however, was lost for words. No way was he going to admit he had eaten the donuts, even if it was blatantly obvious that he had.

Come on Dan think think think -

"That's cocaine."

The flat went quiet and Phil's smile disappeared.

It was silent for a long time before Phil doubled over and fell to the floor laughing. Tears escaping his eyes. He hit the floor with the palm of his hand as he struggled for breath.

Dan did not think this was funny. He sat there, bright red, scowling at Phil.

When Phil looked up to be met with a scowling Dan, he calmed himself down enough to get up.

"I'm sorry, but, really?"

He started laughing again but managed to contain his giggles once he saw Dan's expression again.

"I'm only messing. You're too innocent for drugs aren't you Danny?"

The nickname made Dan blush even harder but he reacted straight away when Phil cupped his cheek and brought him closer for a kiss. Dan sighed into it as Phil licked across his bottom lip, only to pull away.

Dan was about to question him before he realised what his intentions had been.

"Okay you definitely are them! I can taste it!"

Dan giggled and it was Phil's turn to scowl. However his scowl soon turned into a smile once Dan pecked his nose lovingly.

Without warning he got up again and went to the cupboard only to pull out a box of shreddies. Dan's shreddies.

"Hey what are y-"

He was cut off as Phil walked swiftly into the bedroom, swaying his hips as he walked away, not hiding his smirk.

Dan's scowl reappeared and he quickly returned to his laptop.

He wants to play that game does he?

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