my happy place

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tw: homophobia, fighting, swearing, mentions of suicide

ages: dan-18. phil-22.

words: 2645

phil sees dan getting attacked on the streets and steps in.


The wind blew Phil's hair to the side, making him groan in frustration as he attempted to fix it for the thousandth time this morning. He jogged down the mostly empty streets, expected, since it was nearing 3am. But Phil had been craving cereal all day, and he wasn't much of an outdoors person, so night time to him was the best time. And that's why he was roaming the dark streets in the early hours of the morning, searching for an open shop that sells shreddies.

He watched his breath leave his mouth and travel further into the October air, smiling. But his eyes darted to the bottom of the street and his smile disappeared as he saw what looked to be some people fighting, a guy holding someone up against the wall whilst the others laughed. He stopped in his tracks, unsure now wether fulfilling his cereal related needs was worth the possible consequences of walking down this dangerous road. He squinted his eyes slightly, trying to get a better look at what was going on as he discreetly tried to move closer to the scene, keeping himself hidden.

There seemed to be about four people, one of which was now on the ground. The three that weren't, were kicking and beating the shit out of the person that lay on the ground, they all wore dirty track suits and had shaved heads. Phil tried to see who was on the ground and what they looked like, feeling his heart break when he saw that it was only a kid, no older than 16 maybe. They appeared to be wearing mostly black. Black skinny jeans and a black jumper, they had dark brown hair and Phil could just make out that it was in a similar style to his own. He stood there, in the middle of the street, not knowing what he should do. He considered turning around, pretending it never happened, getting his cereal tomorrow. But when he saw them all move into an alley way he had a terrible feeling, and he knew that if he walked away he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Phil quietly jogged down the rest of the street, stopping just in front of the alleys opening and trying to listen in.

"Please, stop."

He heard a weak voice say in a surprisingly posh accent, it was followed by laughter.

"Aww, he wants us to stop!"

Phil felt horrible, this poor boy had obviously done nothing wrong, and judging by his attire, he was just a normal person.

"W-why are you doing this?"

More laughter, and Phil flinched slightly when he heard a yelp of pain.

"Because, you're disgusting. You're a fag, and the world is better off with one less faggot."

Phil growled at the use of the word 'faggot', anger boiling inside him. So this poor, innocent civilian, was getting beaten, possibly murdered, just because they might be gay? There was simply nothing Phil hated more than homophobia, and it just made him want to help this person more knowing they may have something in common; being judged for who they love.

The sound of skin on skin echoed through the night and soon Phil could hear them all grunting as they began beating him again. He poked his head past the brick wall slightly, to get a better view. Two of them were beating him as the other one watched, a sinister smile on his face. Phil looked down at the boy, blood soaking his black clothing and running down his face, his slightly wavy hair matted with it. Now he got a closer look, they looked about 18, and Phil couldn't deny that they were absolutely gorgeous. He took a picture of the scene quietly, making sure all their faces were in it.

𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon