rainy days and beautiful strangers

826 13 14

tw: swearing

ages: dan-21. phil-25.

words: 1377

in a world where the first words your soulmate says to you are written on your wrist, phil really didn't expect to find his in a coffee shop, of all places.


I flicked my fringe out of my face as the wind blew it in my eyes annoyingly, but after it did it again I stopped trying. I huffed loudly as it started spitting, earning a dirty look from an old woman with a dog. The rain began getting heavier, and I managed to slip on a stone tile as I walked.

Today was not a good day.

I quickly jogged forward and into a small coffee shop in hope to save my hair and myself from any further damage. Upon entering I was overwhelmed with the scent of coffee beans and gingerbread, and I smiled at how refreshing it was. It wasn't very crowded, but the atmosphere was quiet and friendly, relaxing even. I went up and ordered a white hot chocolate, smiling at the old man at the counter and going to sit back down. Just as I sat, the door bell rang to signal someone had walked in, and out of instinct I looked up.

A man, about 20 maybe, hurried inside. Small droplets of water were dripping from his curly head of dark brown hair and his black clothes were absolutely drenched. He was skinny and tall, his hair in the same style as mine, and damn was he hot.

He went up to the counter without spotting me staring and I went back to my drink, pulling out my phone as I took small sips. As I scrolled through tumblr, I saw another post about soulmates, it was a photo of someone's words.

It read 'you have the most beautiful eyes' in cursive writing and the owner of the words had tattooed roses around the lettering, framing it and making it look even more beautiful. I smiled, liking the post. I snickered as I thought about my own tattoo, running my fingers over the skin on my wrist. Some people were lucky to have romantic and heartwarming things on their arms. Me? Not so much. I, had the words 'fuck me' engraved into my skin.

After a while of scrolling I looked up to see the rain had still not stopped, and I decided I'd maybe stay a little while longer in this coffee shop. If I carried on buying things then they hopefully wouldn't mind, it's not like they had a lot of customers.

I got up, my legs aching after being in the same position for so long. I took my empty cup with me, only to drop it as I walked straight into someone, our heads colliding. I was shocked, not quite registering I'd just headbutted someone before I heard a groan of pain and cringed as I saw it was the fit guy from earlier, he was stood clutching his forehead with his features scrunched up in discomfort.

"Fuck me."

He groaned. I smirked a little, my mouth moving before my brain could tell it not to. Because what could possibly go wrong with flirting with a stranger?

"Well, if you're offering."

But suddenly the smirk dropped off my face as I fully registered what he'd said. My jaw dropping slightly in shock as I repeated those two words he'd said in my head. Those two words that I'd had to hide my whole life, those two words that determined my entire future. Spoken on a rainy day by a beautiful stranger in a forgotten coffee shop.

I watched him slowly lift his head, looking at me wearily as his gaze flickered to my clothed wrist. He made eye contact with me for a second, and I was momentarily lost in swirls of dark brown. I gulped before lifting up my arm and rolling down the sleeve, revealing those two words for this stranger to see. His eyes widened as he took my wrist in his hand and read over the writing, his touch sending the infamous 'soulmate spark' through my entire body.

I could see he felt it too by the way he shuddered.

He then shrugged down his own sleeve, comparing the two as he put it up next to mine. We were silent for a minute, and I could feel the eyes of everyone in the coffee shop watching us, not wanting to ruin the magical moment we would be required to remember for the rest of our lives. Suddenly, the man looked up, the same time I did. His eyes were a warm chocolate colour, and they lit up as he smiled widely at me. I couldn't help but return the smile, the realisation that I'd finally met my soulmate setting in. His smile seemed to radiate happiness and warmth, and I felt like I couldn't ever get enough of it.

I stuck out my hand, still grinning from ear to ear.

"My names Phil Lester."

His eyes were watery and dark, like black coffee.

"I'm Dan Howell."

He whispered shakily. He took one look at my hand before throwing himself on me, hugging me as tight as humanely possible. I held him just as tight, this stranger in the coffee shop, only, he didn't feel like a stranger. I couldn't explain the feeling, I'd never felt anything like it. It was like I'd been submerged underwater my entire life, and this brown haired stranger had pulled me up to the surface and given me the sensation of breathing. Dan smelled of vanilla and autumn and I couldn't comprehend the feeling I was experiencing. People began clapping as we stood hugging in the middle of the room, and I felt my own eyes tear up as I heard Dan whisper into my ear.

"I finally found you."

I laughed, squeezing him tightly once more before pulling away, wiping my eyes on my sleeve as he did the same. I saw him rake his eyes over my body for a brief moment, his eyebrows raising in approval and a small smirk playing on his oh so full lips. He made eye contact with me and I felt my insides catch alight at his gaze as he bit his lip and leant in the slightest bit closer. His breath was hot against my face as he spoke, it smelt like peppermint and coffee.

"You still up for that offer?"

His words went straight to my pants, and I smirked, trying not to show how flustered I was getting.

"How could I be so rude as to decline?"

He flashed a dimpled smile at me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the small shop and into the pouring rain, the gazes of around six people following us with fond smiles. We ran through the pouring streets like children, fingers entwined and large smiles of laughter plastered on our dripping faces. Dan stopped me for a second, pointing to a small clearing in the grey sky.

"Hey look! A rainbow! How pretty!"

He turned to me, still smiling, and I cupped one of his soft cheeks in my hand delicately and leaned in. Our lips met and I felt like my whole life had been leading up to this moment. We moved together in sync and his lips were soft and plump and perfect in every way. After a few seconds we pulled away, his lips slightly pinker than they were before and an adorable blush on his already flushed cheeks. I pecked him again.

"Not as pretty as you."

My heart jumped at the breathtakingly gorgeous smile that grew on his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his dimples popping out. I smiled back just as wide, and reattached our lips again, relishing in the feeling of his mouth on mine.

I'd finally found my soulmate. The person I was destined to love and marry was right here in my arms. I'd bumped into him on a rainy day in a small coffee shop in the middle of London. And he was absolutely beautiful.

And it may not have been as romantic or heartwarming as it was in the story books I read as a child or the tumblr posts I'd see on my dash,

but that didn't matter,

because today was a good day.


ahh i'm sorry but i thought this idea would be cute and i love soulmate AU's

please comment what you thought and tell me if you think i could improve on anything? idk man i'm no fuckin author

i do, however, happen to have a swearing problem

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