
979 19 9

tw: spiders, swearing, arachnophobia, vomiting

words: 1116

ages: dan-25. phil-29.

dan and phil are on tour in australia, and dan really underestimated the wildlife there.


I huffed as I once again tried to find a spot in the house that had a decent connection. I stood up on my tiptoes and stuck my hand out the window, grinning after getting two bars. However, it didn't last.

I heard a loud shriek from the other side of the house, making me jump out of my skin and nearly drop my phone. I heard another ear sitting screech and my mind immediately assumed the worst.

Dan's hurt himself.

There's a murderer in the house.

Dan's dead.

I quickly ran to the source of the noise, hearing it come from the bathroom and barging in there. I was momentarily confused when I saw Dan cowered away in the corner of the room, knees hugged to his chest and shaking violently. He hadn't noticed me yet.

"Dan?! What's wrong?!"

He looked up, eyes wide and watery before pointing to the floor directly infront of him.


I really didn't know how I'd missed it, but somehow I did. There was a massive hairy spider only about a foot away from Dan, I felt a shudder go down my spine from just looking at it. Dan was still shaking, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. I felt my heart break, he looked so genuinely terrified. I didn't know he was that afraid of spiders.

"Dan, it's only a spider. Just, move away from it."

He shook his head, looking at the creature before scrunching up his face.

"I t-tried. It j-just kept m-moving clos-ser."

I bit my lip, I really didn't want to go anywhere near it. But Dan looked like he was really suffering, on the verge of a breakdown.

"Okay, if you move slowly enough then it won't actually be able to detect you. Slowly."

I didn't know if that was true or not, but he needed reassurance. He took a shaky breath in before trying to move a little. The spider didn't budge, but after a second it began crawling towards Dan again. He screamed loudly, bursting into tears and shaking. It was only a few centimetres away from him now, and I'd never seen a grown man look so small before.

"Dan, If you're loud then it's going to get scared. You need to move away from it slowly."

I tried to keep calm, but the sight of Dan sobbing like this really did break my heart, he's my best friend. No matter how much I wanted us to be more.

He shook his head, shaking uncontrollably. Was he having a panic attack? Oh god.

"Dan, you need to calm down. I'm going to go and get a glass and paper so I can get rid of it, okay?"

He shook his head, still crying.

"P-please don't g-go."

I felt my throat close up a little, his words hurting my heart.

"I'll be right back, I swear. I'm going to get rid of it."

He buried his head in his knees and I ran out of the bathroom, feeling guilt overwhelm me as I searched for some paper. I didn't want him to be alone like that, but I needed to get rid of that damn spider. I grabbed a glass and ran back into the bathroom, relieved to see it hadn't moved closer to the shaking Dan. Just as I walked in, Dan jumped up from where he was crouched and leapt at the toilet, throwing up violently into it. I quickly slammed the glass over the spider, cringing as I saw it hiss inside.

I looked over at Dan, he was still leant over the toilet, crying and shaking. I went over and rubbed his back soothingly as he was sick again. He spat a few times before slouching, his breathing become regular again and his tears stopping. He was still shaking though.

"Dan, oh my god, you never told me you were that bad around spiders."

He looked over at me tiredly, swallowing thickly.

"I'm s-sorry."

I shook my head, smiling at him sadly.

"It's fine Dan, you just scared me a little. I'll get rid of that and you can brush your teeth."

He nodded, I helped him up as he fell into my chest, wrapping my arms around his waist protectively and chuckling.

"Take it easy."

He blushed, making his way to the sink. I cringed again as I saw the spider, grabbing the paper from the floor and shoving it under the glass, lifting it up and quickly chucking it out the window, grimacing.

"ew ew ew ew ew"

I heard Dan giggle from behind me, and I turned to smile at him. I was glad he seemed to be feeling better, I hated seeing him like that.

"Are you okay now?"

He nodded, looking down ashamed as his cheeks turned red. I frowned, lifting his head up with my fingers and assuring him it was okay. I took him into my bedroom by his hand, sitting him down beside me and allowing him to cuddle into my side.

"Don't be embarrassed Dan, everyone's scared of something. I just got worried, I didn't know it was that bad."

He nodded, and I quickly pecked his cheek, making his blush deepen. He tried not to smile, but failed. A large grin spread across his face as he covered it with his hands.

"Awww, you really are too cute for words."

I laughed as he kept his hands over his face, the sight of his blush peeking through made my heart beat faster. Does Dan like me too? I laughed, pulling his hands away and bending down to look into his eyes. I smiled brightly upon seeing that he too was beaming. I decided to test the waters by reaching out and stroking his cheek, caressing the soft heated skin under my fingers.

"Why are you blushing so much?"

I whispered, and I saw his adams apple Bob as he swallowed.

"Bec-cause of you."

I don't know who leaned in first, but I didn't really care. Within seconds my lips were on Dan's, and I internally screamed at myself for not doing this sooner. As we pulled away, he stared into my eyes, searching for any sign of regret. When he didn't find any, he grinned widely, and I kissed him softly again. Getting lost in the feeling of warm soft lips against my own.

I made a mental note to apologise to the spider if I ever saw it again.


ewww but dan was just sickkk and now they're kissinggg

yeah i don't give a shit fiCTION GUYS REMEMBER ITS FICTION

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