i care

656 11 10

tw: verbal abuse, mentions of suicide, swearing, sad

ages: 16

words: 3767

dan's alone. but on his way to end it all, he meets a boy just as lonely as himself.


Dan just stood there, taking all the abuse with tears threatening to spill.

"Goddamn it Daniel! When are you going to learn? You need to quit being so fucking careless!"

His mum screamed at him. He just kept his head down, not wanting to see the hatred in her eyes and not wanting her to see the tears in his. He didn't know why his parents had to overreact about stuff like this, maybe it was just another excuse to take all their anger out on him.

He hadn't meant to drop the glass, it was an accident. He just suffered from a really bad case of butterfingers. But his mum had heard, and now she was stood screaming at him for it.

"I-I'm sorry."

He whispered, afraid to speak any louder.

"Yeah well sorry doesn't fix this broken glass does it! Sorry doesn't change the fact that you're a disappointment!"

Ouch. There hadn't really been any need for that one, but it seemed there was always a need for Dan's parents to insult him, to remind him that he was unwanted.

It was at that very moment, that Dan's dad walked in the door.

"Hey honey I- what's going on here?"

His tone went from loving to threatening in just a matter of seconds, and that just proved to Dan how much his parents really disliked him.

"This piece of shit broke another glass!"

Dan flinched, squeezing his eyes shut as his dad's booming voice filled the house.

"For fucks sake Daniel! We can't afford to carry on paying for stuff that you break! When are you going to stop fucking up?"

Dan swallowed, trying to speak the words that just would seem to leave his mouth.

"I- it was an accident."

His mum butted in.

"Bullshit! The only accident here is you! You do this on purpose, don't you? Just to spite me and your father! Well you can clean it up, right now!"

He nodded, moving to go get the sweeping brush, when his dad's hand stopped him. He looked up through his fringe, seeing a sinister smile on the mans face.

"No, with your hands. Go on."

He knew better not to argue. Getting down on his hands and knees, Dan began picking up the pieces of glass on the floor. He tried not to wince when he felt the shards pierce the sensitive skin of his palm, and just carried on until the floor was mostly clear. He threw the glass in the bin next to him, and bowed his head again.

"Hmph, that'll do I suppose. Are you going to do it again, Dan?"

He shook his head no, but his dad didn't seem to like it.

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