Coming Face To Face. •13•

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Baylor's P.O.V.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

I'm fucking this up.

All because of Conner.

If he would've just let us be, I wouldn't be lying to Aden.

I really do like Aden. I do.

But Conner has to be a fucktwat and be jealous and then threaten me.

I can't tell Aden.

I can't hurt him like that.

You're hurting him by not telling him.

I groaned and ran my hands through my hair.

Tell him what Conner's doing.

No! I can't!

I started pacing my room.

What do I do?

• • •

Aden's P.O.V.

Baylor actually went home.

Now I'm alone and bored outta my mind.

I actually miss him, even though he left like ten minutes ago.

I heard my phone buzz and hurried to grab it off the floor.

Wait. Why was my phone on the floor?



"Aden. I have something to tell you about your so called 'boyfriend'. Wanna hear it?" He asked. I could hear him smirking. Uh oh.

I opened my mouth to answer, but he cut me off.

"Of course you do. So, your precious boyfriend has been lying to you. He doesn't love you. He loves me. He wants to break your heart. Just ask him about it. He just called me, asking me to tell you this. I'm sorry he hurt you, but, I warned you. You should've listened. Tsk tsk. Poor Aden. First the school knows your secret, then you get beat up, now, you find out your boyfriend is lying to you. Tough week, huh?"

Holding back tears, I made my voice strong, "Why did you call me? What do you want from me? Huh? Seriously, what do you want from me? I have noting to give you. Nothing!"

"That's where you're wrong Aden. You are able to give me something. You. That's what I want. Sure, I may have been lying about the whole 'Baylor calling me' thing. But I wasn't lying about him not loving you. He's playing you. All because I told him to. If you don't find a way for him to break up with you, well, let's just say you don't want to find out. Toodles." He said and hung up on me.




I called Baylor and asked him if he could come over. I had to speak to him.

He said he'd be right over, so I got up and unlocked the door, taking a seat back on the couch.

I accidentally missed the couch and fell on my ass on the hard, unforgiving ground.

"Ow," I muttered.

Baylor knocked before entering, locking the door behind him.

"What did you need to- why are you on the ground?" He asked, taking a seat on the couch and staring at me.

I slightly laughed. "Well, you see, I sorta missed the couch and fell and just haven't moved yet. Anyways, I need to talk to you about Conner." I told him.

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