Chapter Twenty-Four

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“Trigger. S'alright, boy,” Tobias cooed, gently strapping the saddle onto his horse's back.

The twenty-four year old Canadian pacer had been born during the summer when he was just four years old. Tobias could still remember when he had went out to this very barn every day to feed and talk with the beautiful animal.

Sleek dark-brown fur covered the expanse of the pacer's body. Recently polished, his hooves reflected the warm lights swinging from the ceiling. Bristled, silver hairs from old age were at the horse's muzzle, speaking of old age and trustworthy experience. The leather saddle, now secured on Trigger's broad back, showed the rest of the barn in a warped, polished state.

Muck rakes and forks leaned against one of the sixteen standard stalls in the barn. A few other horses were in their quarters, neighing contently as they munched on the seed and grain within their large burlap sacks. Hay littered the barn's muddy wooden floors, crunching lightly under his boots as he saddled up Bullet, another one of their old horses.

Sweat pooled down his back, slicking his arms and jean covered legs as he fed the two horses each a handful of seed. He, upon the request of Titus, had been working all day. Be it from mucking stalls to milking the few cows that they owned and feeding the calves, he had worked for nearly twelve hours straight. From five in the morning until five at the moment, he had only stopped to eat his lunch.

He had felt a little guilty about not spending any time with Jane, but Anna had taken her to the elementary school and animal shelter where he hoped she was having a good time. Checking his watch, he felt his heart rate speed up as he realized she should be back any minute.

As if hearing her cue, she walked in exactly two minutes later, playing with her fingers nervously. Clad in denim shorts that showcased her toned legs and a plain red, v-neck t-shirt, she looked as perfect as always. He waved her over, eager to hear what she was thinking about.

“Tobias,” Jane said uncertainly, walking into the barn and allowing a few rays of sunset to permeate the space. "Are you sure I should ride? Especially that one? He's-”

"She.“ He corrected, chuckling lightly.

She's so big! I've never ridden in my entire life, and you want me to ride that?” she asked, standing there with an amused expression on her face.

“You'll be fine." He assured, trying his hardest not to get distracted by her exposed tanned legs. “I'll be right here. Trust me, I was riding by myself when I was seven.”

He heard her mutter to herself underneath her breath but continued strapping on Bullet's saddle. “There we go. You get Bullet, and I get Trigger. How's that?”

“You're sure I won't fall?”

Tobias took her hand, squeezing it lightly.“Yes, ma'am. Now, step onto the ring." He gestured to the metal hanging off Bullet's saddle.

She shot him an uneasy look, but took his hand anyway. Her long hair blew with the cooling breeze, sending the smell of strawberries into the warm air. Watching as she swung one leg over the saddle, he gripped her sides and waited until she was seated fully to mount his own horse.

“Alright,” he began after getting up, “press your heels into her flank lightly. Just real light, and she'll move forward. Watch." He pushed his booted heels into Trigger's flank and maneuvered the large horse over to the barn's entrance. “Just grab the reins to steer.”

She did as he instructed, and they were out the door quicker than he had expected. “Where are we going?”

“To the creek." He grinned, kicking his heels into Trigger once more until he was at a nice, steady gallop. “Kick your heels a little harder now.”

Tobias: Book One of the Cantrell Brothers SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now