Chapter One

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My head was pounding, my legs were aching, my chest was constricting.  I could barely feel my feet . My body moved to the loud beat of Basshunters , Now you're gone , that filled my ears through my phone. 

"C'mon Mia , few more minutes" I panted as I ran through the park on a Thursday afternoon . Not long till I'm Home now. I turned the corner of my street till my house was in view, I ran faster  I could feel my hair swishing back and forth, hitting my face . I ran the last few feet to my house . My parents lived in a fairly nice area here in London. Holborn was one of the most beautiful places in London. It was also quite close to City University London, which is the Uni I've been attending . I've my own Dorm at the university, but sometimes when I need to get away from everything at Uni and want some privacy, or just miss my room and mums cooking, I like to come home. Considering its only 5 minutes by car . But when I don't want to be home , I just head back to my dorm . I've Been trying to save up enough so I can move out of both home and my dorm room and get my own place .

I unlocked the house and entered , I could hear noise coming from the kitchen .

"Mum , I'm home " I yelled as I headed upstairs to my bedroom .

"Dinner will be ready in half an hour " she replied . I walked into my bedroom.

I stripped out of my workout clothes , pulled my hair out of its bun and headed towards the bathroom, I felt sweaty and gross after my run, as you would. I turned on the hot shower and stood under it for as long as I could, the warm water massaged my back as I washed my hair, then i scrubbed myself with my sponge , trying to rid the dirt i had sweat off . Once out of the shower, I dressed in my comfy sweats and shirt . I dried my my hair then headed Downstairs for dinner since it had been half an hour .

I walked into the kitchen and opened my fridge to grab some Vanilla Coke , I turned around to see my mum setting out the dinner table .

"Hey ma , need some help " ?

"No, it's fine " she replied. My parents and I don't have the best relationship, I've always had a mind of my own, and they've always tried to be controlling, so you could see how that would've led to problems. I've always wanted to journalism, I was amazing at English in school and I loved reading. But my parents thought it was the worst mistake of my life, they wanted me to do law like dad or be a Doctor like mum, but I was going to do what I wanted, so I chose journalism at City University London, which they weren't happy about at all. They've always wanted what they think is best for them and their reputation, they never thought of me. Being an only child, they wanted to be more controlling, but me being me, told them and their reputation to get fucked, although I didn't use those words. 

I'm sure I'd be buried 6 feet under already if I had. But I guess they're slowly starting to understand the fact that I won't do what they say, that this is my life.

I sat down at the dinner table just as my Dad walked in.

"Mia, hello," he greets as he makes his way to the table.

"Hey, Dad " I replied. Mum soon joined us at the table, we were having my favorite tonight, lasagne, I bloody loved pasta.

"So how's Uni "?

"S'good dad, I've been doing really well this semester, the lecturers are great, I've made a lot of friends , my dorms smaller than my room but it'll do, its quite nice, I share it with my friend Kay, so yeah, all In all, it's quite great " I smiled

"That's great, sweetheart " mum said.

"Yeah that's great, though, I don't see how journalism is going to get you anywhere in life if you had listened to us, you could be doing great things by now, " my dad said gruffly.

"Oh Dad, don't start, you know this topic isn't going anywhere so just drop it please "? I asked.

He huffed and stared at his food again. The rest of dinner went by in silence. After eating I washed up all the plates, cleaned the kitchen and went back up to my room. It was past 11 by now, and I had class at 10 tomorrow and I was absolutely knackered, though it was quite early for me, I changed into my sleep shorts and kept my shirt on and got into bed. I picked up my phone and replied to all the messages I had and went to sleep.

I heard my alarm go off, I groaned and peered over to the clock, it was 9 am. I pushed away my covers and felt the cold air hit my bare legs, I scrambled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After my usual morning routine of brushing and showering, I was out after 30 minutes, I dressed in a simple black loose tank top and blue skinny jeans, rolling the bottom, and white low cut converse. I let my hair down in its natural brown waves, and applied a bit of mascara and pink lipstick, and headed out my room, I checked the clock and realized I had no time for breakfast. "Sod"

I grabbed my keys and bag and walked out the door, heading to my car. The drive to campus was quick, I got out of the car locking it behind me and headed towards block E for my first class, advertising. As I made my way through the crowd, A lot of people waved at me, some stopped to talk and some just winked in a way of saying hi . I guess you could say I was pretty well known at this university. It wasn't like highschool though. I mean I guess you had your usual crowd of bitches, or the football team, who all the girls pined over . Speaking of , I looked up to see my boyfriend, Zach, headed towards me, he was the captain of the football team, he wasn't too tall but tall enough and well built, he had black hair and perfect cheekbones . Girls absolutely loved him, I guess you could say we were the "It" couple of university . People knew who we were , they either wanted to be with us, or be us . I never understood why though , I was a completely normal person, As was he, Maybe It was the fact that i was nice to everyone . I don't know.

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Zach was now standing in front of me.

"Alright, babe "? he leaned down and pecked me on the lips .

" hey, Shall we go to class? " I replied smiling.

He nodded then grabbed my hand and I turned around to follow him , but accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh shit" I looked up to see Marcels Striking green eyes staring up at me through his thick glasses.

"I-I'm so sorry Amelia, I didn't see you," he said picking up his books that were on the floor which had fallen.

"It's fine marcel, don't worry " I smiled down at him.

He looked back up at me , all of a sudden his face contorted in to a face of fear . I looked beside me to see that he was looking at Zach. He looked away and stood up , walking away , before a hand grabbed him and pulled him back , I turned my head to see Zach , holding him by the collar of his dress shirt , pinning him against the wall . Fuck .

( Hey hey guys ! If you're reading this , please know , that I fucking love you , also if you're under 13 , do not read this . But hey , I can't stop you now can ? So this my first fanfic , I'd really like to hear what you guys thing of it ? If you have any ideas or anything whatsoever ! Let me know ! I'm sorry if its total shit ! The story gets better , I promise , it's actually really different . So don't make any "assumptions" about the story ! <3 - N )

Different Kinda Love || H.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن