Chapter Nine

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Marcels POV

"You okay "? I whispered still holding onto her. Our faces were now inches from Each other if I could just lean in a little more ...

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," she said standing up and getting out of my hold and snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten so angry then turned on you like that "

"No it's fine, I understand, and umm, If you ever want to talk, I'm here " she gave me a small smile then walked over to the coffee table and grabbed her phone.

"Shit, it's two in the morning, I didn't know I had been here that long " she laughed.

"I guess time flys by when you're having fun, aye? " I said smiling up at her as I leaned against the wall.

"Yeah, well, I guess I should get going now, I've kept you up long enough, and we both have classes tomorrow," she said grabbing her bag and putting her jacket on. I really didn't want her to go. I gave her a small smile and walked over to where she was now stood in front of my door, putting her shoes on .

"You can keep me up anytime," I said to her. Before realizing how it sounded and made a face.

She laughed out loud at my sour expression.

"I might take you up on that offer," she said meeting my eyes and winking at me, then waking over to the door. I stood frozen for a few seconds. My heart rate picking up. Did she just say that?

"Thank you, for everything, I had fun tonight," she said smiling up at me. I felt my insides warm up. The fact that she actually had fun with me made me happier than ever.

"So I'll see you maybe tomorrow ?" She asked stepping outside. I nodded my head at her and smiled.

"Of course "

"Okay, goodnight " she smiled before walking off. I waited at my door till she got to her house and inside with one last wave at me. I closed the door and leaned against it , my head facing the ceiling.

This whole week, I tried avoiding her, I really did, but it was the hardest thing I'd ever done, I felt so sick not being near her . And when I lied to her about my car, It felt wrong, as if lying to her was actually hurting me. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Then she turns up at my doorstep, hurt by her cunt of a boyfriend, to see me . I was surprised, but when i saw her, I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, I wouldn't be surprised if she had heard it . Seeing her made me feel warm all over, I felt complete again . She's different, she's so perfect and I like her so much, how is it even possible to like someone so much ? But she has a boyfriend, and I doubt she feels the same way about me , what the hell do I do ? Obviously avoiding her wasn't the best idea . These feelings or whatever, it was bloody unhealthy. I sighed and got off the door , heading to my bathroom to take a shower and finally head off to sleep .

I hurried into the campus , late the next morning. I was so caught up in getting to class I didn't realise There was someone standing in front of me as I bumped into them.

"Oomph" I huffed, falling to the floor.

"Bullocks, sorry mate, I didn't see you there " I looked up to see Niall Horan standing over me , he held out his hands for me to take, I placed mine in his and he pulled me up .

"Nah, it's cool man, my fault, I didn't see where I was going " I smiled up at him then retrieved my books.

"Hey, you're that Marcel guy ain't ya ?" He asked. I had never spoken to Niall before, but I knew who he was, everyone knew who he was, he was one of the footballers, yet he wasn't like the rest of the dicks on the team, like Zach, he was actually a pretty chill guy, he was always laughing, always loud, cracking jokes, making everyone laugh, people loved him.

"Yeah, that's me" I smiled back .

"Ah , nice to meet ya man , Mia's told me a lot about you " my head snapped up to look at him . What ? Mia spoke about me ? He laughed at my surprised look.

"Oh, I'm Niall, By the way," he said holding out his hands to shake.

"Yeah , I know who you are , Zach's mate " I said shaking his hand .

"Actually, I'm Mia's best friend " he laughed

Oh. For some reason, I felt a pang of jealousy. I mean, no doubt , the kid in front of me was a very good looking bloke. And well, apparently he was Amelia's best mate. But she was just a friend of mine, and she had a boyfriend, so why the hell do I feel jealous?

"Oh okay, well I'm just Amelia's friend " I replied.

A frown etched his face as he smirked at me.

"Of Course you are" he said. What was that supposed to mean?

"Anyway, I gotta run mate, it was nice talking to ya, we should all hang sometime aye, Laters "!

He hurried off before I even had time to reply . 'of course you are' what did he mean by that ? was he saying that I wasn't good enough for Amelia? Or that ill always be her friend? Did he know how I felt about her? Or did he mean that we were something more ? Fuck, so many questions,  honestly, I think I'm going bloody crazy. Laughing to myself, I made my way to class, slightly eager to see Amelia.

As I turned the hall, I saw Zach and a bunch of his friends stood against the wall. It looked as if they were waiting for someone. As I walked in their direction to get to class , their eyes fell on me, I realised I'm the one they were waiting for . Shit.

"Oi boys, look who it is " Zach said, blocking my path .

"Excuse me, I have to get to class," I said , trying to get past them.

"Oh no you don't," Zach said. I feel a sudden jolt, he pushed me hard, losing my balance I fell back on to the floor, my books scattering everywhere .

I looked up to Zach , his body towering over mine .

"Who gave you the fucking right to hang out with my girlfriend huh"? He asked .

"I-I - "

"I-I " Zach mimicked me in a girly tone. "Look at him boys , such a little pussy "

I was mad. Mad at myself that I was a coward , mad that I couldn't defend myself, mad that I let these people treat me like shit, mad that I was fucking weak .

Zach was now walking back to me, I knew what he was going to do, and I couldn't help myself. I closed my eyes and waited for the blow . Instead he grabbed me by the collar and pulled me up , backing me against the wall. His grip now hard around my neck.

"Listen to me carefully, you better stay the fuck away from Mia, if I see you anywhere near her, you better pray to fucking god I don't put your face through this wall, and you're really fucking lucky that I still haven't got it prick "?

"What the hell Is going on here " !? A voice boomed, I looked up to see one of the head lecturers making his way towards us. Zach let go of me immediately.

"Oh nothing at all sir " he said, still looking at me . "Marcel and I were just having a bit of friendly banter, won't we marcel ?"

"Y-yeah" I managed to choke out. He smiled at me then said,

"Don't forget what I told you, mate " before walking away with the rest of his mates.

"You alright, son, " the lecturer asked. For some reason, this made me mad, I didn't want pity, I needed to be strong .

"I'm fine " I huffed and hurried off towards class.

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