Chapter Two

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Zach had Marcel pinned up to the wall, helpless .

"Watch where you're fucking walking, you wanker" Marcel flinched back as Zach yelled in his face .

"Zach , let go of him, it was a mistake for Christ's sake "! I exclaimed.

"I don't give a shit, this loser should watch where he's walking next time" just as I thought he was letting Marcel go , he pushed him back in to the wall , hard , knocking the air out of Marcel , who winced in pain.

"Oh fucking hell, Zach let him go right now". i yelled, prying his hands off the poor kid. I was beyond pissed by now. He looked at me and back at Marcel before saying .

"Next time, no one will be here to save you, you got lucky this time loser " he let go of Marcel as he fell to the ground . I rushed over to him . " Hey Marcel , you okay "? I asked.

"I'm fine Amelia, just leave me alone " he snapped.

I flinched back, I'd never heard him speak like that.

"Mia , lets go " Zach growled , pulling me up from the ground . I noticed the large crowd now surrounding us . I got up and followed him , looking back at Marcel , he was already up and walking back to class . I felt a slight pull of my heartstrings. I don't know what it was, but it felt weird. He was always treated like shit . Especially by Zach, who thought he was superior to everyone . I mean yeah , Zach was the football captain, and he was exceptionally good looking, and he was also named one of the best professional fighters of London . But that didn't give him the right to treat Marcel like shit . I turned to Zach and gave him a hard glare. "What" ? he muttered.

"What the hell was that Zach " !? I yelled.

"He almost knocked you over, Mia, and he keeps Calling you Amelia, sup with that "

"Christ, doesn't mean you try and beat the kid up, Zach, you're not in high school anymore, grow the hell up, " I said to him before pulling out of his hands and walking away to class . This was going to be a long day .

The day had gone by quite slow, i hadn't seen Zach since then , I was still pissed at him . Nor had I seen Marcel . I had an hours break before my next class , I decided to sit outside on one of the many benches .

I took out the most recent book I've been reading 'Beautiful Disaster' by Jaimie McGuire . I was completely in my own world till I heard someone clear their throat , I looked up to see Marcel standing above me .

"Hey, Amelia," he said with his deep, raspy voice, looking anywhere but at me.

"Hey , you okay " ? I asked

" Yeah , umm, I just wanted to apologize for uh earlier, for bumping into you , then snapping at you " .

"Marcel , don't worry about it , I've completely forgotten " I smiled as he looked up at me . "So , um , do you have class or .. " ? I asked .

"Nah , I've finished for the day , just heading to the library to grab some books for class , then home " he stated .

"Oh okay , would you like to sit down " ? I patted the empty space next to me.

"Um me " ? He said with uncertainty .

I looked around me and said "Well , do you see another Marcel here " ?

He did a low laugh and sat down next to me . I looked up at him and I met his eyes . They were a beautiful bright green colour , framed with thick dark lashes . He had the most amazing jaw line I'd ever seen , he a had a cute nose , and cute little ears , his brown hair was gelled back flat . And when he smiled , his dimples appeared on either side of his cheeks . He was an extremely attractive guy , beyond attractive even , he was beautiful , apart from the clothes he wore , the vest and dress pants and tie and all , but it was cute .Those lips though , they were so pink , Soft and full looking , I wonder how it would feel -

"Amelia" shit , I was staring wasn't I . "You Okay , you were kinda just staring for a while " he noticed . Bloody hell .

"Oh um , yeah , sorry , I was just thinking " I explained , feeling a blush creep on to my cheeks .

"Oh yeah , what about " ? He asked . I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach .

" oh umm , j-just um , that thing , about that thing , You know " ? What the hell Mia ? That thing about that thing , you nutter . What do I do now. Leave, before I embarrass myself even more . " um I have to go , I'm sorry Marcel , I'll see you later, yeah ? Bye " ! I grabbed my things and hurried off towards my next class.

"What the hell just happened" I sighed to myself. And why did I run away. I don't have clue . "Mia" I heard a voice calling my name and turned to see Niall, my friend running my way , he was also on the football team. He had quiffed up brown/blonde hair , he was tall and muscular. His blue eyes sparkled and hell , he was attractive As fuck . "Alright, love" ? he said coming up to hug me . His hugs were always the best . It was like hugging a teddy bear , just less hairy . "Looking quite fit today ain't ya " !? He exclaimed smiling .

"Oh cut the crap , Horan " I laughed .

"Oi oi , Horan " another voice called in , i turned to see Zach walking in .

"Hitting on my girl are ya " ? He questioned, punching Niall lightly on the shoulders as he laughed.

"Ha , mate, if I were hitting on ya girl , she'd be swooning all over me right now , not your" he winked at me and Zach .

" oh , so sure of yourself aye , Horan, ? " I laughed.

"You know it , No one , and I mean no one , can resist the Irish charm , alright baby " ? He said pulling a face, I laughed at him and swatted his arm . I looked up to see Zach wrap his arm around me, he was laughing as well .

"Hey , babe , I'm sorry about earlier " he whispered in my ear . I looked up at him and smiled , in a way of saying its okay. He grabbed my hand as Zach, Niall and I headed for class, bantering along the way .

( this is just a filler , I'll update again to tonight - I apologise if its shit , it'll get better , I promise ! Thanks guys ! Love you all ! )

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