Chapter Eleven

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Marcels POV

"Holy fuck , Amelia" I Breathed out . I was panting by now , my damp forehead leaning against her own .

I've never kissed a girl like that , nor have I ever been kissed like that . I've had my share of kisses , but none like this . Her lips were so soft and warm , her taste was incredible, heavenly , I felt everything fade out and my only focus was her , her smell filled my senses , a shock ran through out my body. It felt as if someone had ripped out my insides , shook them around and threw it right back In to me as I felt a pit at the bottom of my stomach . I would forever cherish this kiss .

I honestly don't know what came over me. What made me want to kiss her. I just knew that I wanted to feel her on me , her lips on me , her body against mine , ignorant to the fact that her boyfriend threatened to kill me if I went anywhere near her. When I got her text today about the party, I couldn't help but smile, someone actually cared about me for the first time in a long time, and it felt good, so instead of staying at home and sulking, I decided to go to the party, not like I wasn't invited, Niall had bumped into me at uni earlier today and asked me to come by. I wasn't planning on going, But the fact that Amelia asked me to go, cleared that thought out of my head. And now, here I am ...

She opened her eyes and looked up at me. They were darker than usual and full of emotion. Her breathing matching mine as we were both trying to catch our breath from the kiss.

I was afraid she would've slapped me or yelled at me when I kissed her, instead she kissed back and all thought of her hating me disappeared, But now I was afraid she mightn't like me very much.

"Marcel " she breathed out. Her arms still around my neck. "I - w-what was that ?" She stuttered out.

I didn't have a clue how to answer that, because honestly, even I have no idea what that was. I just had a sudden urge to kiss her and tell her everything.

"I umm don't know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I don't know what ca- "

I was cut off mid-sentence with her lips pressed against mine. She was kissing me. I melted into the kiss and grabbed her waist and pulled her closer into my body. The same feeling of shock and emotion ran throughout my body again. I bit her bottom lip as she let out a gasp. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and kissed with so much passion. My heart was going bloody mental, pounding hard against my chest.

"Mia , there you are , I wa- "

We both broke apart from the kiss to see Niall staring at us wide-eyed .

"Umm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt "

"N-no, it's not what it looks like " Amelia stuttered out. As I stood back annoyed that someone had interrupted us.

Niall eyed us intently. A smirk slowly pulled up to the side of his face. Why was he smiling?

"Right, umm well, I'm gonna head back inside and let you two snog each other faces off. laters," he rushed off inside leaving a dazed me and a shocked looking Amelia behind.

Should I say something to her? Kiss her again ? Give her a hug? Or just Walk away? Hell, I had no idea what to do right now. Maybe she'll say something, I hope she will.

"I'm sorry, this never should have happened " She sighed and looked up at me. Anything but that .

"I- I- we, shit I'm sorry Marcel. this never should've happened. I've to go " No no no, please don't. Without looking back at me she walked back inside the house. shit.

I sighed and ran my hands down my face. That was the best kiss ever. I touched my lips as I could still feel her on my lips and taste her sweetness. what do I do now? I felt like utter shit. we kissed and now what? Was she ever going to speak to me again? Did she like the kiss? Did she feel the way I did ? all these thoughts whirled through my mind. I couldn't even think straight. I was in dire need of a drink.

I walked back into the house and into the kitchen. My eyes scanned the place for her , but i didn't see her anywhere. I grabbed a cup and poured some of what looked like a bottle of Jack Daniels into it. I took a large sip and leaned against the wall. Looking around the room, I watched as people were dancing or more like grinding on each other . others sat around talking while some played games and some were even snogging each other faces off. Can't they get a fucking room?

I spotted a few familiar faces in the crowd. Niall is one of them. he was laughing his head off at something the blonde bird standing next to him whispered into his ear.

I finished my cup of alcohol, feeling slightly light-headed as I moved away from the wall too fast. I was about to walk towards the table full of alcohol to get some more when I noticed that familiar head of brown hair . I couldn't help myself as I stood there staring at her, she was magnificent, gorgeous, perfect, beautiful as fuck. And I wanted her, so bad, but I couldn't have her. The thought caused an unfamiliar pain through my heart. I winced and shook my head. This was ridiculous, I can't like anyone this much, it wasn't healthy, fuck.

I watched as she looked around, her eyes finally landed on me. And a weird sensation ran throughout my body as we made eye contact.

She looked away almost immediately, she looked down and closed her eyes, i wasn't too sure of what she was doing. She then looked up without even glancing at me and walked away, looking fine.

Great. Just great. this is how it's going to be between us now.

I sighed and walked back to the kitchen. This was going to be a long fucking night.

"Ay ay fellas, look who it is, again " someone behind me voiced out. fuck, not now.

"Who the fuck invited this loser? Oi dumbass, I'm talking to you " I turned around to see Zach standing there with his fucking possè. I really didn't need this right now.

"What is it Zach," I asked annoyed.

"Oh, he speaks, it seems someones grown some balls "

"At least they grow, unlike yours that are the size of my fucking pinky " I growled back. A few people standing around us snickered at my comment. I was angry, irritated and upset. Slightly intoxicated as well. And he really wasn't helping.

Zach's eyes narrowed and his fists clenched, he looked beyond pissed by now. Fuck. He charged at me before I even had time to move.

He yanked me by the collar and pushed me hard as my back collided with the counter sending a sharp pain through my back.

"Zach, mate, the fuck ya doing? " I heard Niall's voice.

"Oh nothing, just about to teach this punk a lesson " he came towards me again but was stopped as Niall grabbed him and pushed him against the wall.

"Listen, this my house, and this is my party, I don't need you and your ego fucking it up, nor do I want you messing with my mates, alright? now, I think you may have had a little too much to drink, so why don't I call a cab and get ya home yeah ?"

Niall let go of Zach as he walked away, giving me one last look.

"Marcel, you alright mate ?" he asked, coming to stand in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks for that "

"Nah, s'all good bro, Zach can be a complete dick at times. you gotta start standin' up for ya self mate "

"Yeah, I guess "

"What'd ya say to get him so ticked off anyway ?"

"Oh, I may have said something about his dick being the size of my pinky finger " I shrugged. Niall cracked up laughing.

"What?" he asked laughing again.

"You legend mate " he pats my back then stands up. "The rest are playing beer pong, c'mon," he said turning to walk off.

We walked out of the kitchen towards the massive living area .

"So" i turned to ask Niall. "Who's going- what the fuck" my eyes widened at the scene in front of me.


Hey guys! So I'm sorry this is shit , I'll be updating again either now or tomorrow , but I just wanted to let you know I have another Story , it's completely different to this , and better , I think haha . So it's a harry story and its called ; It's Always Been You . so check it out and let Me know what you think ? If you like it then I'll upload ! Alright , ily ! :D xx.

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