Chapter Eight

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"Thanks, Ni, I'll see ya tomorrow "

"Laters , babe ."

I waved At Niall as he drove off, still standing there, I looked across the street towards Marcel's house. The curtains were half-closed and the light was lit dimly from where I could see.

He was home. And there was no car in his driveway. Which means he lied to me.

I stood there pondering on whether to go over and confront him or just forget it. I probably should've gone with the latter, but I didn't.

I slowly walked down my driveway and across the street, making my way to his house. I walked up the small path to his door. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest for some reason.

My heart kept telling me that it was just another excuse to see him.

I took in a deep breath and knocked on the door three times. I had only waited thirty seconds when the door swung open to reveal a disheveled looking marcel.

My heart rate increased even more and I felt a familiar warmth spread through every inch of my body.

"Hey, Amelia," he said, clearly surprised.

"Hey, umm, are you busy ?"

"No, not at all, umm did you Wana come in ?" He asked, stepping aside to make way for me. I walked into the house and my nostrils were filled with the smell of mint and vanilla and a bit of cologne. A scent I'd grown used to, a scent I loved, it smelt of him. It was warm here compared to the slight chill outside. The house was similar to ours but even cozier, it felt like home. It was clean, apart from the books and papers scattered over his glass coffee table. It was a simple house, but I don't know why I just felt so at home here. I've never even felt like this in my own house.

"So, what brings you here?" Marcel said as we were both stood in front of his door. He still avoided eye contact.

"Oh, umm, I wanted to talk to you," I said, suddenly nervous for some reason.

"Oh okay, um you can sit if you want," he said nodding his head towards the comfy looking sofa.

I sat down as he followed and sat on the sofa opposite me. I looked over at him, he was fiddling with his fingers. His hair still gelled back, yet slightly messy. He was now wearing sweats and a jumper. He looked different in those clothes. I wonder why he wouldn't wear stuff like this to Uni or out. My eyes traveled up his body only to be met with his intense stare. My heart did a little flip flop as We held eye contact for a minute before he cleared his throat.

"You lied to me" I spoke all of a sudden.

He looked at me a bit surprised.

"Umm, what ?"

"You've been ignoring me, you still won't look me in the eye properly, and you lied about your car, a car you don't even have. What's going on ?"

He started fidgeting with his hands again, then looked up at me.

"I umm n-nothing, I've just been a little busy lately is all, I mean with work and Uni and stuff, so um yeah "

"So where's your car then ?"

"I umm, i don't have one " he scratched the back of his neck.

"Okay, so why did you lie then? I mean you were obviously avoiding me. Did I do something wrong? Is it because of the other night? " I sounded so desperate. Fuck. Keep it cool Mia.

He sighed before answering.

"I just, don't want to come between you and your boyfriend is all. So I thought if I gave you some space then maybe .... " he trailed off.

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