Chapter Sixteen

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"Thank you , for last night " i whispered to Marcel as we both got out of the taxi in front of my house the next morning.

"Don't thank me , ever " he smiled back .

I wasn't sure what to do now . should I hug him ? Kiss him on the check ? Maybe the lips ...


"Yeah?" I replied .

Marcel's eyes had turned a darker green as the looked towards my house. I looked in his direction to see Zach stood at my front door.

Way to ruin the mood .

"Um , I should go , I'll see you later ?" I asked Marcel .

His face was blank as he nodded. Which honestly worried me a little . He made his way towards his house across the road before i could even say goodbye .

Disappointed , I walked up to the door way to be met with Zachs narrowed eyes and clenched jaw .

"What're you doing here , Zach " ? I sighed while looking through my bag for my keys.

"Did you spend the night at his place" ? He asked looking me up and down , he had a really odd look in his eyes , something between anger , amusement and .. Pride ? I don't know . But I only now remembered I was clad in Marcel's clothes .

I scowled at him and didn't answer instead crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why're you here?" I repeated irritated .

"Look , Mia , I'm sorry about yesterday , I was drunk " he stated dryly .

"What , That's it ? You make out with some tramp at a party I'm at with you , and that's all you have to say me ?" I scoffed .

"Look , I've an assignment due tomorrow and I'm tired and I don't have time for your bullshit " I spoke when he didn't say anything .

"Babe , I'm sorry okay ? I just , I've got a lot going on right now and I've been so stressed and I've been taking it out on you and I know I shouldn't be . I'm sorry , I really am and what I did last night is honestly no excuse . but please forgive me , I need you " He sighed , running his hands through his hair .

I felt a little sorry for him . He said he needed me but I didn't need him. Then why did I always forgive him ?

If I say yes , then what about Marcel , someone I have actual feelings for ? But , does he want to be in a relationship with me ?

This was all too much to think about right now .

"Look Zach , I need time to think yeah ? ill call you later "

He sighed then nod his head .

"Alright , well yeah , call me I guess " he said before giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking away .


The rest of the day rolled by and before I knew it , it was Tuesday morning and here I was , out for a jog .

Marcel and i had shared a few texts here and there the past two days , and i was kind of excited to see him today at uni .

Once I got home from my run , I had a quick shower , got dressed and jumped In my car heading towards campus .

There was a slight chill in the air today , It was also about to rain , one thing I loved was rainy days inside , reading a good book , but obviously , I couldn't do that today since i had class. Damn you education. I parked my car and went straight to class.

" What's up , buttercup" Kay said as I sat down next to her at my first lecture of the day.

"Hey " I smiled .

"Mind telling me what the fuck is going on with you and Zach ? I haven't seen you since the party , which by the way had me sworried sick , you bailed on me and didn't even tell me where you were or going or who you were leaving with and it's been an entire week since I last saw you " ! She yelled out , obviously a little mad by my not so informative departure the other night.

"Shit , Kay , I'm so sorry , I should've told you , so much has happened since then , dinner after class? i'll fill you in on everything ? "

"I can't , I have to take my little sister to her parent - teacher interview at school , i mean , you know , not like I have a life or anything " she grumbled putting her head on the desk .

"Your parents out of town again ?"

"Yep , they're probably half way to Egypt by now . Anyway , are you staying at your place today or coming back to our room ? "

" Think I might stay home again today , shall we just grab dinner tomorrow then ?"

"Yeah sounds perfect " she smiled at me just as the lecturer walked in .

We sat in silence through class , me with one thing on my mind - Marcel . All wekend , i couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at his place . He took care of me , making me feel things i'venever felt before . I sighed and went back to listening to the professor . Halfway through , my phone buzzed in my pocket . I pulled it out to have a look at who it was . with only one person in mind I was hoping it would be .

And it was . my heart sped up involuntarily at the name .

Marcel - Hey there :)

I smiled to myself before replying .

Me - Hey you , whatsup ? :)

His reply came in not even two minutes later .

Marcel - eh , not much , sat in class. Can't stop thinking about this girl . 

Was he talking about someone else or .. ? 

Me - oh yeah ? do i know her ? 

Marcel - oh , you may have heard of her , I call her Lia , shittest football player you'll ever meet ;) 

I laughed to myself and replied . 

Me - is that so ? Well she may be shit at football but she'd whoop your ass at video games anyday :)

Marcel - Ha , yeah good joke , i call cheats , i'd like to play you again , in more ways than one ... Tonight , my place , dinner ? And maybe we could have a rematch .. in my bedroom ? If you know what i mean .. 

Me - Put your dick back in your pants yeah ? i'll be there , only for the food ;) what time ? 

Marcel -  funny . 6.30 , see you then .

I gave him a quick goodbye and put my phone away , excited for tonight . i looked up to see the professer and most of the class staring in my direction . 

"Amelia" his loud voice boomed out . 

"yes , professor " ? 

"i asked you a question , do you know the answer ? " 

Shit , i hadn't been listening .

Kay laughed beside me as i blushed and looked down , sinking into my chair . 

Damn you , Marcel . 

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