Chapter Ten

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Mia's POV

"I really am sorry Mia, what I said to you that night, was really low of me, you know I didn't mean any of that right? I was just really pissed of at the fact that you said that fuckers name"! I glared up at him.

Zach and I were sat at one of the many campus cafes. He's been so dead set on apologising to me for the last thirty minutes while I tried to completely ignore him and continued to go over my notes from my previous lecture.

"Babe, c'mon, I've said sorry like 100 times now! Please, Mia , I'm sorry I said all that to you, and I'm sorry I accidentally held your arms so tight and I'm just sorry " I finally looked up at him. He pouted as if he were a child. I sighed and gave in .

"Yeah alright, whatever, but say shit like that one more time, we're done . " l

"Never again, babe, I promise " he leaned in to give me a quick kiss on my lips. I don't know why, but that kiss didn't feel right. I guess it never really did, but I've never thought about it before, until now.

And after what he did, I don't know why i forgave him. Has he really been with other girls? I guess I'll have to discuss it with him later. 

"Mia , Zach , what's up"! I looked up to see Niall , Kay , Jake , Stephen, and Sarah walking over to us and sitting down on the tables around us .

"Oi , Mia, you're coming to the party tonight yeah? " Niall asked .

Right, Niall's party, there was always a party every week around here, though I don't always go, I had better things to do then go to a party and mix around with a bunch of piss drunk twats. But with all the shit going on lately, a party sounded pretty good, and it was Niall's, he always threw the best parties, as if I was going to say no to that.

"What, you think I'm gonna miss out on a chance to see you snog Emily again ?" I teased as everyone laughed at the memory. Emily was one of those girls who threw herself onto any walking object with a dick, wore the shortest clothes, portrayed herself to be the biggest bitch, and well, all in all, she was a piece of trash and I just disliked her to be honest, the feelings Mutual though, she's hated me ever since she laid eyes on me. I've never understood why though. Hell, our whole group disliked her.

Niall had been beyond drunk at his last party and somehow ended up in the room with her . They were just about naked, until I walked in, and thank fuck for that. I know my best friend well enough to know how much he'd have regretted it the next day.

"Oh fuck off, Mia, you're lucky you're my best friend, wouldn't want a foot shoved up your pretty ass now would ya? " Niall said with. The scowl on his face. I laughed at him as he put his head down on the table in annoyance and shame. I looked past Niall and saw Marcel stood at the counter buying something. A familiar warmth spread through my body just at the sight of him. I hadn't seen him all day today and I couldn't help but think of the amazing night we had last night. He was so different, so real, and I had an amazing time. He grabbed his things and Turned around, he met my eyes for a brief second and i smiled, his mouth tilted upwards slightly but then completely disappeared. He looked a little scared. I noticed he wasn't looking at me anymore. I turned my head to my side to see Zach glaring at Marcel. A silent message was exchanged between the two as I sat and watched, Marcel then quickly walked out of the cafe. What was that about? Had Zach said something to him?

"What the hell was that ?" I turned and asked Zach.

"What was what ?"

"Why did Marcel run off like that as soon as he saw you? Did you say something to him ?" I asked.

"What, no Mia, relax. Look I gotta go, I'll see you at the party tonight, you're coming with Kay yeah "?

"Yeah but-" Zach cut me off by placing a quick kiss on my lips.

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