6- The Awakening

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A/N: I can't help it. I love writing awkward scenes. It makes me giggle. 

Niall woke up before Bianca, but stayed in bed for a while. His arms were wrapped around her, spooning her lightly as she softly snored. His eyes traced over the bandages on her wrists as thoughts drifted through his mind.

He heard the door open and close in the other room, and Louis walked through the doorway, stiffening up slightly when he saw their position. The sheets had slid down their bodies slightly, and in the light filtered through the snowy window, you could see just how close Niall and Bianca were.

Louis sat down on the chair next to Niall's bed, moving the guitar to the floor carefully. He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing.

"Morning Niall. Is she awake?"

Niall looked at the girl laying in his arms. She was very obviously asleep. "No, she's asleep."

Louis nodded, continuously glancing back and forth from Niall to Bianca to their bottoms brushing against each other. Niall noticed, trying not to become annoyed at the way Louis was starring. He irritably pulled the sheet up, covering everything but Bianca's head. "What do you want Louis? Yes, she's asleep. Yes, she made it through the night. I've got her, you don't need to be so worried."

Louis tensed up. "Yes, I do. If I hadn't been so worried, we wouldn't have been able to find her at all!"

"Speak for yourself! I was the one who caught her, if it weren't for me your family reunion would have been cut quite short." Bianca wiggled around a little, flipping around and resting her head against Niall's bare chest.

Louis ran a hand through his hair. "Niall, please, just- I'm worried. I don't know what, but I feel like something is wrong. I don't know, I'm just worried about her. Please just- be careful?"

Niall nodded, sighing. "Yeah, I got it."

Bianca stirred, yawning and sitting up. "What- oh, hi Niall." She blushed, scooting a little away from Niall, his hands dropping from her waist. She looked at Louis, her face getting redder. "Oh... Louis. Hi." The sheet fell from around her waist, and she hurriedly pulled it up, obviously embarrassed. "Sorry..." She muttered, trying to move away from Niall while still covering up and avoiding Louis' eyes.

"Good morning Sunshine," Louis said, smiling cheekily. Niall gawked as his friend changed from overprotective older brother to sarcastic 22 year old.

Louis looked at Bianca's flushed face, and her close proximity with Niall. Bianca tensed. "I'm going to get up, I guess, and maybe-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Niall looped his arm around her waist and pulled her over him, so she sat on his stomach. She squirmed, trying to move away, biting her lip in discomfort as the sheet fell off her completely. Niall smiled cheekily, his face inches from hers. "Morning darling."

She tried finding her balance, trying to move off of him without acknowledging the fact he wasn't wearing pants. Trying to wiggle off, she accidentally brushed against something she didn't exactly want to brush against, and her face got ever redder. "Niall, do you want to- I mean, if you could just- let go of me, maybe, and..."

Niall was about to open his mouth to speak, when Louis cut him off. "Yeah Niall, if you'd let go of my sister, that'd be nice." 

Niall looked at Louis with an annoyed expression, irritated the others didn't find the situation as funny as he did. He rolled them over with a sigh, pinning Bianca down and kissing her forehead. 

"Today we're going to be able to take the blood test to confirm that your Louis' sister. He can get all older brother about it later." 

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