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The next morning, Bianca woke up before Louis. She stayed in bed for a few minutes, curled up against him, bathing in their shared body heat before carefully removing Louis arm from around her waist. Louis stirred, grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling her back into bed drowsily. Her cheeks burned, and Bianca slowly snuck out of his grasp and walked into Niall's room, where the two boxes with her clothes in them sat on the floor. She bent down, keeping her legs straight, to dig through the pile of clothes. Louis' shirt slipped slightly down her back, and before she could bring it back up another hand grasped it and pulled it down, covering her underwear again. She quickly turned around, and found herself chest to chest with Niall.

"Hi." She muttered. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."

Niall smiled slyly. "It's okay. I was already awake. And anyways, I'm glad I got to see the view."

His hands settled on her waist, adjusting the hem of Louis' shirt peculiarly. Bianca inhaled shakily, brushing his hands away, eyes wide. Niall took a step forwards, causing her to take a step back, and pinned her against the wall.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern, as if he didn't realize how uncomfortable his actions were making Bianca feel.

Louis had snuck into Niall's room, still in his boxers, and he leaned against the wall, the others unbeknownst to his presence. "Hey Niall," He said, raising his eyebrows. "You done there, or should I give you two some privacy?"

Niall moved away, pouting, until Louis said quietly, "the other boys are coming over today."

Niall immediately piped up, quickly moving to grab a change of clothes and run into the bathroom to change. Bianca sighed, giving up and changing there. It didn't matter- Louis' had been the one to change her last night.

Five minutes and a borrowed hair brush later, Bianca sauntered into the kitchen. Harry was already there, eating a banana. When he saw her, he tossed her one too.

"Thanks, Harry." She replied easily, before remembering something she heard earlier. "Are the 'other boys' coming over today?"

Harry nodded, deep throating the banana in his hand without paying attention. Bianca didn't really realize either, as she peeled her banana and starting breaking off pieces in her mouth.

"Who are they?"

Harry finished chewing the banana in his mouth, swallowing before replying. "That's Zayn and Liam. They have there own places, but are coming over to visit."

She nodded, taking another bite. Harry's door opened, and Amber stepped out, flaunting her jeans from yesterday and one of Harry's t-shirt that was secured with a hair band so it was the right size. She scowled when she saw Bianca.

"Do you know where my big brother is?" She asked, not even greeting her. Harry started choking on his banana.

Bianca avoided eye contact. "He's getting ready. Why don't you sit down? Me and Harry are eating bananas."

Amber smiled fakely, sitting down next to Harry. "I would join you, but that's not quite the banana I want to eat."

Bianca tried not to be annoyed at the younger girl. She was annoying, and selfish, and rude.

She's also short, Bianca thought with a slight smile.

Suddenly, the door opened, two loud boys walking in and greeting them. "Hey Harry! Hey Louis' little sister- s?" One said, raising his eyebrows.

Louis walked in, clothed this time, smiling and greeting them. "Hey Zayn, Liam. This is my little sister Amber, and our friend Bianca!"

The one who spoke earlier, Zayn, smiled at Louis and Bianca. "Are you sure she's not your sister? She's cute."

Bianca scowled slightly, trying to remain passive. It was rude of him to lie like that. She wasn't even close to cute.

Louis chuckled. "No, Bianca and I aren't related at all. At all. But she is cute, yeah?"

Zayn nodded, looking at the door to Niall and Louis' rooms as it opened. He quickly walked over to the Irish boy, the two of them smiling as they leaned in and kissed.

"I missed you, Niall."

"You too, Babe."

Bianca mouth dropped open as the two boys- Ziall- Kissed again. 

God, Was it Cold//Kidnapped by One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now