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They talked. Went on Twitter. Had breakfast, and then lunch. Sang. Amber held Harry's hand without Louis seeing. 'The boys', also known as Liam and Zayn, went home, Zayn giving his boyfriend Niall a kiss before he left.

Bianca tried not to feel too guilty. She'd been here for too long. They probably were wishing she would stop inconveniencing them, wishing she would just die.

She liked them, she liked them a lot. Louis was extremely handsome, and she felt safe with him. Niall was sweet. Harry was funny- they all were. Amber was selfish and immature, ignoring everything they did for her, which made Bianca's blood boil. But she decided to stay calm.

Going into Niall and Louis' bathroom, Bianca locked the door and looked around. It was perfect- a locked door, a linen closet, and a tall shower. If she tried, she could just reach the top bar to the shower.

But first, Bianca sat down with Niall's razor just as she had done the other day, and began to think. She thought on her life, her short miserable life. She thought on her appearance- hideous. Her family- perfect. Her life- a mistake. And slowly, the thoughts translated into actions, as Niall's razor hit flesh. When that stopped being enough, she grabbed a clean white sheet from their linen closet, wrapping it around the shower rod that was installed in the wall. It was high up, just high enough to make a noose, and she climbed up on the shower ledge, wrapping the noose around her neck. Her hands shook as the blood stained the perfect white sheet.

She jumped, and was hanging right as Niall opened the door.

"Holy- fucking hell Bianca!" He shouted, running over to her. He lifted her up so no more pressure was on her neck, and struggled undoing the knot. Bianca gasped, chocking with sobs. The blood was everywhere.

Louis ran in, probably having heard Niall's shout. When he saw the scene, he stayed quiet as he ran to help Niall. Together, they managed to undo the sheet and pull her to sit on the closed toilet. Louis checked her pulse and ran a hand through his hair, near panicking as Niall searched through the medicine cabinet. He found a first aid kit, digging through it as Louis unraveled some toilet paper and pressed it to Bianca's wrists to stop the blood.

"I don't want this," Bianca choked out, through her tears.

"I don't either, Bee. I don't either." Louis mumbled as he bit his lip, trying to keep his emotions contained.


Bianca sat upright on Louis bed, as he forcefully wrapped up her wrists. Tying it off with a knot, Louis pulled too tightly on them, knotting and double knotting and triple knotting the bandages.

"Louis'" Bianca muttered, her eyes dry but her face streaked with tears. He pulled tighter on the bandages.

"What. Just what." He asked, his tone obvious that he was pissed.

"Why won't you let me die?" She asked, her throat scratchy. "It'd be so much easier on you, on all of you. Just let me die. Take me to the bridge. Give me some pills. Something!"

Louis stood up, brushing his hands on his pants angrily. "I don't get you. One minute your fine, the next your trying to hang yourself in my bathroom. And what's the point? What's the point to all of this?!" He threw his hands up in the air, frustrated.

"What's the point?" Bianca said, her tone ice cold. "What's the point? God Louis, I don't know. I'm an idiot! I'm a mistake! I don't know shit, and your asking me what the point is?"

Louis stopped pacing, standing right in front of Bianca. His hands were in fists.

Bianca focused on his fists, shaking with his fury. Slowly, she trailed her eyes up his body, up his arms, his chest, his face. Her eyes met with his. "Do it. Hit me."

Louis shook his head, looking away. Bianca stood up, chest to chest with him. "Do it Lou. You know you want to. Just hit me." Still he refused. Bianca inched closer, pushing him. He turned to the wall, his arms pushing against it. "Don't be a wimp. Hit me. I don't care. I'll like it. Just hit me already!"

Louis whirled around, shoving Bianca so hard she stumbled backwards, put he wasn't done. He shoved her onto the bed, crawling up so his face was above hers, as he pinned her down. She gasped as he gripped her elbows, pushing her further into the bed.

"I'm not going to hit you," he muttered huskily. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Hey! Bianca look at me!" She opened her eyes, and Louis grabbed her chin to make her look at him straight in the eyes. "I care about you. I want you to be okay."

She closed her eyes again, only didn't squeeze them shut. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I tried to push you. I'm sorry I tried- I'm sorry I tried killing myself."

Louis closed his eyes. He weakly moved his arms so he wasn't pinning her anymore, and rolled to the side. Bianca numbly scooted up so she lay besides him, resting her head on his chest. His hand instinctively moved to her forearm, pulling her closer.

God, Was it Cold//Kidnapped by One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now