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Wearing a fresh long sleeved shirt, Bianca walked to the kitchen to make dinner for the boys. Maybe it would be a nice gesture, as a way pf showing her thanks for them putting up with her. Louis and Niall were playing some sort of card game on the kitchen table, that involved cards everywhere and a lot of loud arguing. Bianca slipped past them, and started looking through the cupboards. To her annoyance, they were all bare of any potential ingredients. It didn't matter much anyways- they had no cook books, that she could see. 

"Hey Bianca! What do you want for dinner?" Louis called from the table. 

Bianca shrugged slightly. "I don't know, there isn't much food here. How do you manage to cook anyways, with no recipe books?" 

Louis stood up, walking to the cupboards and looking through them. "You're right. And I don't cook, that is strictly the wives job."

"The wife?"

"Harry," Niall explained. "He always would cook for Louis at the old flat, and now that I live with them Harry cooks for me too, to show his gratitude. You know, for me putting up with them."

Bianca still felt like she didn't understand, but didn't question it. "Wait, Lou, are you and Harry dating?"

"Not in this fanfiction."



Bianca shook her head, trying to ignore Louis' strange comment. "Okay, how about we go to the store and pick up some food and a cookbook?" 

Louis shook his head. "Harry has a few cookbooks. He keeps them in his room though, he's the official guardian of the cookbooks."

Bianca nodded. Louis and Bianca decided that they would go to the grocery store, and Niall would stay back and keep an eye on Amber and Harry. 

But when the walked out of the kitchen, Louis stopped suddenly. "She's not watching tv." The tv was still on, but Amber was nowhere in sight. Looking towards Harry's door, Louis scowled and marched up, slamming the door open to find- it empty. He ran out of Harry's room, Bianca trailing behind like a lost puppy, and ran out in the driveway. Harry's car was gone. 

"That... that... Harry took my sister! What is wrong with him!"

Bianca bit her lip. She felt like she was intruding. "I wouldn't worry. It's Harry, they probably just went out for ice cream. What is he? 20? 22? He probably wouldn't be interested in your sister anyways, cause you know, the age gap."

Louis sighed frustratedly through his teeth. "No, he's 18. So is Amber. I should have paid more attention- they were f.ucking making googly eyes at each other! How didn't I see?"

Niall came up behind him, patting him on the shoulder. "Don't worry. They'll be back soon, I'll stay and keep an eye out for them. Go to the store. Get some freaking food, otherwise you won;t just have them to worry about."

Niall genuinely looked like he was getting close to turning to cannibalism if he didn't get food soon. 

Question of the chapter: What do you think will happen after Harry and Amber get back (assuming they do get back)?

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