10- The Failed Plan

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  For the second day in a row, Niall woke up to Louis walking into his room without asking. Again, Louis sat on the chair by Niall's bed, and again he looked rather peeved at the half-naked Irish boy.

  "I hope your not planning in telling me to shove off," Niall mumbled sleepily, wrapping his arm around Bianca's waist to pull her into him, "Because as you aren't her brother, you have no right over her." 

  "I was the one who had tracked her down."

  "And I was the one who saved her on the bridge. Let's stop with the one-upping now, that we've got that out of the way."

  Louis nodded, looking at Bianca. She was curled up, her back against Nialls chest. Louis didn't want to admit it, but he was jealous. Niall did nothing, and here she was sleeping against him. 

  Shaking his head as if that would clear his mind, Louis cleared his throat. "But I wasn't talking about that. I actually came here to tell you that I found her- I found Amber. She is a mile away from where Bianca was, and it all matches up. Her hairs the same color as mine, her dad is a single father, and it seems like every day she goes for a morning jog. We need to go get her."

  Niall squinted his eyes. "What time even is it?"

  "7 o'clock." 

  Niall groaned, and rubbed his eyes with one hand before setting it back on Bianca's upper thigh. She twitched, and Niall frowned. "Bianca, are you awake?"

  Niall couldn't see from his vantage point, but Louis saw her eyes open, obviously wide awake and alert. She took a sharp breath, before coughing and almost whimpering out a small "yeah."

  Louis scowled. "Niall, did you do something to her?" 

  Bianca propped herself up, clearing her throat. "No, I'm just kind of nervous. Sorry, it's not your fault Ni. Just the way I am." 

  Niall huffed in annoyance. "Nice to know you trust me Louis. Okay, Bianca, do you want to help us go pick up Amber?"

  Louis' eyes widened. "Niall! She can't go outside!"

  Niall scoffed, sitting up and pulling Bianca onto his lap, ignoring her mumbled complaints. "She's been outside before Lou. I think she could even help us."

  "Oh yeah? How so."


  Bianca had expected to have more of a part in this grand kidnapping scheme. After all, she may not have come off that way, but she was an expert stratagizer. The boys were planning on having Harry walk up behind Amber and snatch her, but Bianca knew that wouldn't work. Surely Amber was no idiot. 

  But Louis had her set up behind a tree, keeping an eye on Harry. Their car was right around the corner, but it wasn't in a spot that they could see what was happening. It took a lot of convincing, but finally Louis decided to let Bianca have a part in the plan besides just sitting in the van. 

  Realizing how stupid she looked just standing behind a tree, Bianca moved to the grass, looking at the phone screen in her hand as if engrossed in an article or game, while she was really watching Harry. Harry walked up behind a jogging Amber, and tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and he quickly brought his hand up cover her mouth, but she dodged, kicked him in the nuts and started running in the opposite direction, right to where Bianca sat in wait. Quickly standing, Bianca faked a scared expression and when Amber came close enough, she started talking in a worried tone. 

  "Oh my gosh! That guy was following you! I thought he seemed really suspicious, he kept on looking at all of his friends. They're everywhere! Quick, follow me!" Bianca grabbed Ambers hands and dragged her behind as she sprinted around the corner, away from Harry. They kept running until they passed by two more corners, and right when they were about to pass the last one Bianca pulled her aside, hiding them behind a tree. 

  Amber panted, but stayed quiet as they waited. Before long, Harry came running past their spot, looking for them. He turned the corner and kept going. 

  "Quick! We have to get to the police!" Bianca whispered urgently, pulling Amber up and running over to the parked car, with dark windows. Before Amber could find a reason to protest, she was pushed into the car and the doors were slammed closed. 

  "Harry just turned the corner, let's go and pick him up." Bianca suggested, buckling Ambers seat belt for her. The brunette, still confused from the change in events, pulled her phone out of her pocket. 

  "I'm just going to call Daddy..." She mumbled, before the phone was knocked out of her hands. Bianca tossed it to Niall, who shoved it in his pockets as the car stopped and Harry jumped into the backseat with them. 

  Amber seemed to realize what happened when Harry got in the car. She unbuckled her seatbelt, and made to grab for the door handle but Harry stopped Amber, moving to sit on top of her. Bianca tore off a strip of duct tape and placed it over Ambers mouth, and Niall passed back the pillow case. They put the pillowcase on her head, right as Louis turned a sharp corner. Harry was thrown by the momentum, his lips making contact with Amber's covered ones. 

  "That was quick," Bianca commented, peeved. She secured a length of tape over the smaller girls wrists- which she noticed, were perfected fine, perfectly normal- and wrapped a bit over her squirming legs too. Pulling out a knife, she pricked Ambers finger, and it was clear that Amber was screaming in protest against her gag. Dotting the droplet of blood on the paper, she set it aside to be compared to Louis' sample from earlier. 

  Amber continued to holler as Louis kept driving. "Wait!" Bianca shouted, "turn left there! Pull up at the Goodwill!"

  "What? Why?"

  "Just do it!"

  Bianca tried not to cringe at her rudeness. Louis didn't deserve it, but she tried to get over it. 

  They pulled up at the charity and Bianca jumped out of the car, running around the building. "What the f.uck is she doing?" Niall asked angrily, getting out of the shotgun seat and chasing after her. 

  The Goodwill was closed for repair, but people had still been dropping off donations at the back of the building. Panting, Bianca ran up to the boxes and hurridly started looking through them. Right as Niall caught up and grabbed her from behind, she pulled out two boxes, holding them tightly in her arms. Niall let go, taking the boxes from her to see long scratchy handwriting on the top; "Donate to Goodwill on Johnson St." 

  "My clothes," Bianca muttered, smiling happily. "I'll have an actual change of clothes."

  They ran back, stealing the boxes, and got back into the car, tossing the two boxes in the back. Harry had sat in a seat, all buckled up, with an arm wrapped in between Amber's bound wrists. 

  They drove back to their house, right as they started seeing the paper start to change color. 

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