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"Well guess what? Your not my dad!" Amber screamed from the living room. Bianca flinched lightly, laying on Niall's bed, trying to ignore the screams from the living room. As soon as they had gotten home, Louis and Amber started shouting, Louis' about how she needs to be safe and can't just sneak out, and Amber about how he didn't have the right to tell her what to do. 

"Why are you like this? Your supposted to happy your my sister, not like that! Your entire life has been a lie, and you should be glad to have finally met me, and that someone finally told you the truth!" 

"I don't care! I don't care I don't care I don't care! Your mom was the one who was already married, snuck off to be with my dad, it's pathetic! But no, your dad took her back because he was so deaperate, and you've lived with them your entire life! No wonder you have no morals, you pig!" 

"Stop it! Just stop it! Your my little sister, but your too immature to understand!"

"Oh yeah? I'm as old as Harry, is he too immature to understand?" 

"Don't even try bringing Harry into this! Your only making it worse!" 

"Ugh!" Amber screamed in frustration, walking out of the living room and slamming the door. Bianca wasn't sure where she went- whether the bathroom or outside or Harry's room- but she cringed anyways. 

Bianca looked at her arms, pulling her shirt sleeves up to look at his wrists. The new scars from earlier that day were still bright red, but mostly scabbed over. 

"What are you doing Bianca?" Louis asked, in the doorway. Bianca immidiatly pulled her sleeves down.

"Nothing. Do you want to help me make dinner?" She asked, hoping to distract him. 

He nodded, but moved to sit next to Bianca. Without saying another word, her grabbed her hand and elbow and pulled the sleeve up, to show all of her cuts. Bianca bit her lip, trying to remain calm. 

"Louis.... Louis... Hey Louis, please let go." 

He shook his head, tracing over one of the new scars. Bianca tried not to shudder at his cold touch. "These look new". 

Bianca pulled her arm away, pulling the sleeve back over her cuts. "They are. I was only on that bridge about to jump two days ago, it'll take a while to heal." 

Louis' bit his lip nervously, still stressed from his conversation with his sister. "Nothing else?"

"Nope," she lied through her teeth. 

Louis nodded, looking a little out of it. 

They went

God, Was it Cold//Kidnapped by One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now