11- The Sister?

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  Bianca, feeling more confident than usual, helped Harry get Amber out of the car. He carried her bridal style, and Bianca automatically looked at Harry's hands. They were much bigger than Amber's, which were petite and perfect with painted nails. 

  They all sat around the table, and Bianca took the pillowcase from Ambers head, making it so she could see again. Harry took the gag from her mouth, but replaced it with his hand, holding her jaw closed before she could scream. 

  Bianca sat down next to Amber, impatiently brushing some of Ambers hair away from her eyes. "We had to price your finger to get a blood sample, so we could do this test. We're friends." 

  Amber obviously didn't believe her, but who would? Niall placed the two papers on the table- one, which was folded in half, only showing the circle Louis' sample was on, next to Amber's paper, which was done changing color. 

  Louis' circle was a dark green. Next to it, Ambers was a grassy color- also green. 

  "Amber," Louis said, smiling accomplishedly, "I'm your older brother."

  Amber mumbled something unintelligible, Harry's hand still over her mouth. He removed it, and she immidiatly exclaimed "What?!"

  "Oh good," Bianca declared offhandedly. "So we don't have to kill you." 

  "Excuse me?!"

  Niall laughed at Bianca's joke, and suggested they move over to the living room to give the siblings privacy to talk.

  Harry came too, begrudgingly. 

  "Bianca! When did you learn to joke?" Niall said, still happily surprised. 

  Bianca smiled, proud. "I always knew how to, sometimes I was just too busy feeling sorry for myself to do anything. I don't know, it felt really good being able to improvise kidnapping Amber, I'm still kind of running on that high."

  It's quiet for a few seconds before Harry bursts out in laughter. "I just realized that neither of you were there when she said the thing! Niall, right after you both took off, Amber had managed gotten the pillowcase off and the tape, and Niall, she knew it was us! She yelled at me, like 'Harry Edward Styles, how dare you kidnap me!' It was hilarious!" 

  Bianca frowned. "How'd she know your name?" 

  Niall chuckled. "Maybe it had to do with the whole world-famous thing."

  "World famous?"

  "Yeah, we're One Direction?" 

  Bianca gaped at him. "Seriously? Like, 'You Don't Know Your beatiful' One Direction? I thought there were like five members though?"

  Harry smiled. "It's 'What Makes You Beautiful', and there are five members, but Zayn and Liam have their own houses. Niall did too, but management made him move in with me and Lou when they put restrictions on Larry."

  Bianca was really confused, but nodded anyways. If there's anything she hated, it was feeling stupid, so she tried to avoid asking too many questions. 

  Louis and Amber walked into the living room, Amber no longer confined by the duct tape. They both seemed to have been a little emotional. 

  "Yeah... So it looks like Louis from One Direction is my brother." Amber stated, still comprehending. "I guess Daddy lied when he told me that my mom was a nobody." 

  It was kind of an awkward silence, and Louis and Amber sat down. Amber sag in between Banca and Harry, and eyed Bianca wearily. Obviously when she trusted Bianca before, it didn't go too well. 

  Suddenly, Amber gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Quickly grabbing Bianca's wrists, she turned them over, in such shock at the pink and white lines on her skin. "Oh my gosh! Who did this to you?" She exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

  Pulling her arms away from Amber and crossing them, Bianca responded with a forced smile. "Someone who hates me a lot."

  Amber continued gaping in a fish like manner, not getting it. "Did you call the police? Why type of horrible, horrible person would hurt someone like that, they should be locked up forever, or better yet, killed! No one deserves that!" 

  Niall stifled his laughter at her stupidity. Louis facepalmed, and Harry bit his lip, trying not to be rude. 

  "Your telling me," Bianca muttered, under her breathe. Niall couldn't help it- he burst into laughter, his face turning red as he pointed at the two of them, laughing his Irish arse off.

  Amber flipped her hair, accidentally  getting it in Harry's face. "Oops," she winked. 

  "So, now that we have that out of the way, what do you guys want to do?" Louis asked, trying to ignore Harry and Ambers smirking at each other. 

  After a few minutes of battling it out, it was decided that they would eat mac and cheese for an early lunch, and then play Ambers choice of a game; truth or dare. 

  Question of the chapter: What can you tell about Amber's character so far?

God, Was it Cold//Kidnapped by One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now