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Bianca honestly wanted to avoid Amber as much as possible. Maybe this way, Amber could become more at home here, with her brother and his friends. And her, of course, since technically this was Bianca's home too, but it didn't feel like it. Her stuff was still in the boxes, on the floor among all of Niall's things, and everything about her stay seemed very- temporary. Maybe Louis, who seemed to be the leader of the house, thought she would get over her depression and get out of their house within a week. Bianca almost laughed at a thought. It doesn't take a week to start, it doesn't take a week to end. Her depression was gradually adding up her whole life, piling one mistake on top of another until Bianca finally saw the demon she had created. She realized all of the mistakes she ever made, and it ate her alive. 

So no, Bianca couldn't get over her depression in a week. It took a lifetime to form, it would take a lifetime to fully go away. Maybe she'd be able to get better, but the idea of cutting, the idea of jumping, the idea of dying, it would always be at the back of her mind waiting for a reason to show itself.

Maybe that's why depression was so romanticized in society. A person who loves you could lend you their strength, help you get up, and help you stay well. If you don't have someone who picks you up, you have to do it yourself, which is twice as hard. The people who get better become strong. The people who don't- well, they die, weak and alone. 

Bianca starred at the ceiling of Niall's room with wide eyes. This was exactly why she shouldn't be left alone- she starts thinking too much. It's unhealthy, and it wouldn't work out. Bianca was an idiot. She failed out of high school for missing her social studies credits, and considering who her parents were, she should've graduated with honors. The child of a aerospace engineer and geneticist, the younger sister of two valedictorians, and to fail out of high school. Pathetic. 

In a near robotic motion, Bianca sat up, walking to the bathroom and locking the door. She searched around, finding exactly what she needed- right next to a canister of shaving cream.


Harry found Amber sprawled out on the couch, flipping through the channels. She smiled when she saw him, but looked utterly bored. 

"Wanna get out of here?" Harry asked, leaning close to her ear. She grinned wickedly. 

"I thought you'd never ask."

They snuck out the front door, trying to avoid being seen by the two boys in the kitchen, battling it out playing a game of War.

Jumping into Harry's car, they sped off. 

"So Amber, how you liking the boys?" Harry asked, speeding through the neighborhood. 

Amber laughed flirty. "They're all good. Niall's got something up that Irish bum of his, but I don't really care. I have my sets set on someone else anyways."

Harry smirked. "Oh yeah? Maybe I know him."

"I'm actually positive that you do. He's tall, with sexy brown hair and those eyes- God, his eyes are so damn hot."

"Hmm," Harry played along. "I'll tell him. Maybe he agrees."

Amber laughed again. "I hope so. That'd make this whole kidnapping thing a lot more... fun."

Almost without warning, Harry swerved to the side of the road. He pulled over, putting the car in park. He looked at Amber seriously. "Just to clarify, we're talking about me, right? Because if not we're talking about Louis, which is just wrong."

Amber unbuckled her seat belt, moving closer to Harry. "You're so funny and hot. I wonder if you're good at other things too..." She leaned over the armrests, and Harry pulled her closer, the're lips connecting in a kiss.

Question of the chapter: What did Bianca pick up in the bathroom? How do you know?

God, Was it Cold//Kidnapped by One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now