21- The Truth

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  People fall in love with lies.

They fall in love with false promises, with made up realities, with too good to bke true scenarios. Humans love what they can't have, which is why so many people fall in love with things they know are myths.

Society likes to tell you that everything can be solved by love. As a general truth, society is in love with love. It pushes the idea of true love onto people until they are drowning in happily ever afters and magical kisses and perfect matches. But there are no perfect matches, there are no soulmates and there are no magical kisses.

When Bianca and Louis pressed their lips against each other in a long awaited kiss, it was magical. But it was magical like goosebumps and racing hearts, not like fairies and elves. Bianca could feel her skin grow a little warmer, her mind feeling less like a cotton swabs and more like a cloud.

Louis didn't fix her depression. But he did do something worth mentioning; he made her feel again.

People fall in love with lies. Bianca had fallen in love with her depression. She had seen the dark glooming figure and let herself fall into its smoky grip before she even knew what she was doing. Before she could call out for help, she was submerged in depression, her thoughts swamped with storm clouds, a prisoner in her own mind.

Louis couldn't fix that. No one could- no one but her.

On the bridge, she'd found herself dangling, about to fall into the unrelenting water below. Before she could, she saw a hand wrapping around her own, pulling her up.

Now, trapped in the fog that was her mind, Bianca found herself reaching towards another extended hand.

  And for the first time in a long time, she wondered if it might be worth giving life another try.

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