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Part 1

Its kinda fucked up right?

How all of a sudden, someone just wakes up and decided to never talk to you again. No words said. They just leave you hanging like you never meant shit to them, and what hurts the most is how they made it look so easy.

You've been hurt by the person whom you never thought will.

Ganyan naman talaga diba?

Sooner or later.

Masasaktan ka rin. Iiwan ka rin.

So what's the point?

The point is.
When you love, love yourself first.

Magtira ka naman sa sarili mo teh!

Hindi ka charity office na bigay lang ng bigay.

Para sa huli, pag iniwan ka.

Hindi kasi sila makuntento. Leche.

Pag iniwan ka, may matitira pa sayo. Hindi yung iniwan ka na nga.
Lahat binigay mo pa. Wag ganun!

Wag kang tumulad sakin.

My name is Erin Trinidad.
And take it from me.

Love sucks!

A TABLE FOR TWOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon