Advice from Teddy

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"I don't know what to do," I admitted to Daniel and Chloe. We were in the Ravenclaw common room and this time I was the one pacing back and forth.

"It'll be alright though, won't it?" asked Daniel. "I mean, even if he gets the elder wand, you have the other two, so we are not in danger, right?"

Chloe answered for me, "Of course we are. If he has the elder wand, he could come in here and steal the other two very easily!"

"There is also this.." I said quietly, "My dad is the Master of the Elder wand. Gray or Scorpius or whoever will have to kill my dad."

I sat down and cried into my hands, Chloe hugged me and Daniel placed his hand on my back and rubbed it.

"We need to tell someone," said Chloe after a few minutes.

"Not my parents, not James, not Albus."

"What about your Uncle Ron?" suggested Chloe. "He is still probably mad at your parents and his wife that he would not tell them either."

"You make a good point," I said, "But I still am unsure."

We all scrunched our eyebrows in thought. It only took a few minutes before I finally had a plan.

"My cousin, Teddy Lupin," I declared.

"Okay," said Daniel excitedly, "Why him?"

"I don't know. But I know Teddy and he won't tell a soul!"

Chloe grabbed some parchment and a quill and I wrote him a long letter asking him for his thoughts and advice.

Three hours later, during a game of exploding snap, an owl pecked on the glass window of the Ravenclaw tower.

The three of us retreaded to a deserted corner and I read the letter softly aloud.

Dearest Lily,

Thank you for writing to me, although, mind you, I have no idea why you chose to tell me of all people this. I am honored, and I hope that what I am about to write will help you a great deal with the trouble that is ahead. I suspect Salazar is being bullied by his elder brother as well as Professor Gray into retrieving the wand. They are either too lazy to do so themselves or are incapable of doing so. Either way, from the information you have provided me, Salazar is not wanting to do so for them. However, it seems as though his father Draco is also being bullied by Scorpius and Professor Gray, and Salazar must do this for the sake and wellbeing of his father. I would advise you to continually keep an eye on the three of them, although I doubt you need reminding of that. Also, keep the cloak with you at all times. As for the stone; you needn't worry about that, I'm sure they do not even know you have it in your possession. Stay safe, Lily, and remember to do what is right. Always do what is right, no matter what. Promise me you will, Lily. If things get significantly worse please, please write to your father! That would be a wise thing to do. Thank you once more for writing, Victoire and I are very well, thank you for asking.

Love from Teddy

November chill was in the air, and the older students were enjoying trips to Hogsmeade; whilst the younger students had snowball fights on school grounds.

Most everyone was looking forward to the Winter Ball. Daniel asked Chloe, and she had said yes. No one had asked me yet, but I was not upset nor worried.

I had more important things on my mind than silly school activities. Not even Quidditch excited me. Ravenclaw was in third place behind Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and I had not bothered to go to any games.

 Gray had flooded us with assignments, and that took up most of my time.

November twenty fourth came, and I had a date to the Winter Ball with Jacob MacMullen, a Hufflepuff.

I had to admit I was flattered by being asked, and Chloe and I spent some time planning our attire for the upcoming evening.

Daniel, Chloe and I decided that all of us would return home for Christmas. I could not wait to see my family and spend time with them.


November the thirtieth arrived. That horrible, horrible day...

Author's Note: So, this chapter was kind of dumb..BUT the next (Last few *tear tear*) chapters are going to be EXTREEEMELY long. I would like to warn you, the format is going to change in these last chapters. The story will no longer be told from Lily's point of view. Please keep this in mind, it will allow you to be able to feel what EVERY character is feeling, because these next few chapters will be emotional and action-packed. DONT FORGET TO COMMENT!!! Much love to alllll of you!

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