3. Thea Queen

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Thea: Do you have a police radio in your pocket?

Roy: No, I'm just happy to see you.

Thea: Why do you have a gun?

Roy: Because I'm no good with knives.

"Yeah, congratulations Ollie. The club doesn't completely suck"

"I think there should be a national holiday for whoever invented French fries. Or at least a statue in their honour."

"Maybe you should spend a little less time trying to be a hero, you're obviously not very good at it."

"I got mad relationship skills bro. Let me know if you need any trendy places to propose."

Thea: You did not come back from a deserted island with a souvenir.
Oliver: It's a hozen. And in Buddhism it means reconnecting. I kept it in hopes in one day, it would reconnect me with you.

Thea: You didn't show up for the job I got you.
Roy: Yeah, I had second thoughts on parking your brother's Bentley.
Thea: What, being a valet is beneath you?
Roy: No, but accepting charity from some rich girl is.
Thea: Why are you so obsessed with the fact that I have money? You know, money isn't everything.
Roy: [scoffs] Spoken like someone who's got it. Now, uh, if you excuse me, I need to get back to my life of crime.

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