4. Russell Kwon

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"I'm gonna have to mark you down on the dismount."

"He's kind of like our HAL. Just not evil."

"You heard of the five-finger discount? We get the no-finger discount."

John: At the first sign of trouble..

Russell: We're off like a bra on prom night.

"I'm like a one man "Ocean's 11."

"It can't be done, it's like farting and sneezing at the same time. Scientifically impossible."

"Oh God, he's even creepier when he's happy."

"He doesn't want a hot pocket."

"Devil's advocate. If Stephen's wrong, you'll have killed two Chosen Ones."

"You can check our browsing histories? Not that I've looked anything on the internet that I'm ashamed of"

"Didn't realize Ultra had its own Triwizard Tournament."

"A hot paranormal mess. Must've gotten her looks from her momma."

"Whoa, you think Mother Nature created a Tomorrow Person 2.0? A-Day-After-Tomorrow Person"

"Hey Julian, remember what happened when you caught me in your house? Now you’re in my house."

"Plus, we’re out of the totally important stuff, like beer and Gummi bears."

"Even Mother Nature can brain fart."

"There are dragons to slay! We were given swords!"

Stephen: It’s my partner from Ultra. 

Russell: Great. Invite her out. Girl needs to get laid more than you do.

Jedikiah: Love you even though you left me, Tim.

Tim: Thank you, Dr. Price.

Russell: Quit stroking each other.

"Where is our favorite paranormal exterminator?"

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