2. Donna Noble

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Greeves: You won't find anything in there.

Donna: Oh! How come it's locked?

Greeves: Lady Eddison commands it to be so.

Donna: And I command it to be otherwise. Scotland Yard. Pip Pip.

The Doctor: Ah! Smell that air! Grass and lemonade! And a little bit of mint. Just a hint of mint. Must be the 1920s.

Donna: You can tell what year it is just by smelling?

The Doctor: Oh, yeah.

Donna: Or, maybe, that big vintage car coming up the drive gave it away.

[the Doctor is preparing to take a lift down to a secret alien base]

The Doctor: Right then, thanks, you two, I can handle this, see you later.

Donna: [enters lift] No chance, Martian. You're the man who keeps saving my life. I ain't letting you out of my sight.

The Doctor: Going down.

Donna: Lance!

Lance: Maybe I should go to the police.
Donna: Inside!

[Lance gives up and enters the lift]

The Doctor: To honour and obey?

Lance: Tell me about it, mate.

Donna: Oi!

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