Chapter 1

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A/N: this chapter has been edited as of 8/13/15

Sam's POV

I stared at my parents, hoping they would crack and start laughing, like this was a joke. They sat there with their serious faces, waiting for my response.


To the east coast?


Do they think I'm stupid?

Of course I'm not okay with this! I'm going to be a junior! No one transfers in their junior year! That's when everyone already has their cliques figured out! I will make no friends!

Don't you dare say I'm being dramatic because I know you would say the same thing if your parents told you you had to move across the country in the middle of your high school life.

I'd be fine with this if it was just to a new part of the city, or a new neighborhood not in our school district because I had my own car. I could just get myself there.

But a whole different state? Count me out.

"Sammy?" My dad asks, using my nickname I got when I was probably five.

I shook my head, turning back to them. "I'm not moving." I state. My mom sighs, putting her head in her hands.

"I told you she would do this." My dad mutters to her.

"I'm also not deaf." I state, crossing my arms over my chest.

My dad sighs, leaning forward. "We are moving whether you like it or not, so you better start packing or you're going to have absolutely nothing when we get there." He says.

I stared back at him defiantly, shaking my head. "I'll stay with Drew or Dani."

"You will do no such thing." My mother speaks finally, turning to me. "I will not have my only daughter live across the entire country just because she doesn't want to move."

I roll my eyes, letting out a huff. My mother, being over dramatic, per usual.

"Go start packing we leave in two weeks." My dad demands, pointing upstairs.


I park in Dani's driveway, honking my horn. Get a move on girly! I only have so many hours left!

She came running out of the house, shoes in hand, flannel streaming behind her, her hair bouncing around in their typical tight curls. Ah, Dani, my slut of a best friend. I loved that girl.

"Who slept over?" I tease, noticing her disgruntled face as she got in. "Mchottie." She swoons. "Brent McHamon?" She nods, looking back at the house as I drove toward the mall.

"He's nice, got a nice set of abs on him." She giggles down at her phone and I glance over, rolling my eyes.

"Who is it this time?" I ask, glancing over at her once again.

"Your boyfriend." She states. I frown, looking over at her.

In her hand was my phone, not hers!

"Wait! What'd he say?" I demand, grabbing for the phone. I definitely shouldn't be doing that as someone who is still sixteen, but that boy can send anything from a random emoji to a dick pic. I needed my phone back.

"No wonder you love -"

"Dani I swear to god, give me back my phone and forget you ever saw that!" I threaten, and she hands it over.

I pull into the parking lot, parking in the first stall I find.

"Where to first?" I ask, getting out of the car. I lock it, both of us walking to the entrance.

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