Chapter 6

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I left the room. I knew I wasn't ready to tell what happened. I just knew it. It was going so well, then she had to tweet.

I locked myself in the bathroom and take out my phone, reading the tweet again: @Chelseaaaaa: with the bæ @brad_brad cuddling and watching a movie. Jelly @samparker? Don't kill him like you killed Cameron, cuz I want him.

I know I shouldn't have let that get to me but she did not need to bring Cameron into this. I swear she does that every time she has to tweet me.

I FaceTime brad to see what he was doing, tears brewing in my eyes. He answers, on the couch, it's dark. "Hey babe! What's up?" "Nothing, um just wondering... Is Chelsea with you?" I see him motion something off camera and then he responds. "No! I've told you plenty of times that I hate her!" "Asshole!" I hear faintly. "Who was that." When he didn't answer, "turn the camera around and show me who it was." Very slowly, the camera turns around and I see Chelsea. I hang up and sit on the ground and cry.

"Sam? You alright?" I hear Blake say through the door. "No. Leave me alone." I hear him wiggle the doorknob and then a click. He opens the door slowly. "GET OUT!" I shriek, tears streaming down my face. I hate when people see me cry. He closes the door and locks it. "What happened." "Get out." "Not till you tell me what happened."

I curl up in a ball and just lean against the wall, not talking, tears streaming down my face. He scoots closer but I move. He moves again and I'm in a corner so I can't move. He puts his arm around me, and I flinch. "What happened?" I take a deep breath. He cuddles me closer and I lean my head on his shoulder. I just cry. I can't stop. I get the hiccups and then slowly, I just fall asleep.

When I wake up, I look at the time on my phone. It's 3:42pm and I see I have 34 missed FaceTime calls, 128 new messages and 56 calls, all from brad. I slip out of Blake's grasp, without waking him up, and slip out of the bathroom, I sneak out the back door and run. It's still raining and I don't know where I'm going, just away from here. I find myself running on sand and then I see a cave. I go in and just let it all out. I remember screaming, punching the rock, a broken knuckle maybe, and then passing out from the pain.

I wake back up and I see the rain stopped. I look around and can't see anything, I realize it's nighttime. I see a flash of light and a lot of voices shouting my name. I hear a voice get closer. Then I hear steps in the cave. "SAMMMMM!" My name echoes off the walls and then the light hits me. "Please, I just want to be alone, don't tell them I'm here!" I whisper, but he heard. He leaves and says, "not in there. Let's keep looking." I just stare after him.

*2 hours later*

I'm curled up in a ball, shivering. It may be the beginning of summer, but it still gets cold at night, especially if your wet, in the dark, and in a cave. I hear someone outside. I get closer to the wall. "Sam? It's just me! I have food and a blanket."

Blake comes in with the flashlight and I squint against the glare of the light. "Sorry." He says as he sits down next to me. He shines the light on the ceiling and he wraps the blanket around me. I just sit there.

"Why are you helping me?" I finally say. "Why shouldn't i?" He retaliates. "I thought you hated me." He takes a breath. "I don't hate you." "Explain the pink hair and the chocolate in my face?"

They were jokes. But... I'm sorry about the pink hair, I never got to tell you that, I didn't realize that it was linked to a traumatic event." I just sit there. After about 5 minutes, Blake says, "hungry? I have a quesadilla." I nod. He takes it out of a bag and I go to grab it and I move my hand and shriek in pain. "What the hell? Why did you scream?" I grab the flashlight with my good hand and shine it on the hand. It was twice the normal size and it was a dark purple. "Shit you need to go to the doctor like now."

"No!" Then I'll have to go home and explain what happened and why I ran away. I'm not ready to!

"You could lose your hand if you don't go to the hospital." "Your lying." "I'm not, my uncle did." "Sure." He gets out his phone and goes to photos. "Ok I believe you! I don't need to see it! I'll go!"

He smiles and helps me up. I wipe off my butt and we leave the cave. We walk to the hospital and the x-Ray my hand then I get a cast. "Just great. Now how am I supposed to explain this to my parents... They are gonna have to pay for this too!" I slump against the wall. Blake gets up and sits next to me.

"Sam, it's not the end of the world. Even if you still lived in California, you guys would have broken up eventually." I sniffle. "I just thought he was someone I could trust, I AM SO TIRED OF PEOPLE BREAKING THEIR TRUST WITH ME. Do you know how many people I can trust right now? 3." "Add another person to that list." "What?" "You can trust me, I didn't tell everyone who was looking for you that you were in the cave, I won't tell anyone about the kiss unless you want me to, I will always be there for you to trust. We may not get along all the time but that's just what friendship brings, no friends get along 24-7. If they did, it's probably not a true friendship."

I give him a hug. "Why are you hugging me?" "Don't ruin it, I rarely give hugs." "Well in that case..." He gives me a hug back. This is what I needed. A hug.

I see my parents come into the hospital and I quickly pull away from Blake.

"Samantha Elizabeth Parker where have you been?!?" My mom shrieks. I just sit there. I don't need her yelling at me,I've had a bad enough week already. Then I'm engulfed in a hug. Typical.

"Are you ok? Why do you have a cast? What happened? Why did you run away?" "I'm fine, I punched a wall, brad, and brad." She nods. She goes to pay for the cast then takes us home.

I end up falling asleep in the car but my mom wakes me up so I can go to bed. I lay in bed and go back to sleep.


Sorry it's so short, I'm writing this in theology and class is now over but next chapter I have something huge planned and it's gonna be a really long chapter. I'm so sorry for not updating sooner but I'm gonna make up for it with the next chapter.

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