Chapter 22

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1 chapter left after this one!

"I should have warned you my brother was a dick." Bella told me guiltily.

"Stop feeling bad, I'm the idiot for believing him in the first place."

"He hasn't left his room since I've gotten home, which is only 3 hours, but the guys said he hasn't left it since you walked off when he tried to talk to you."

"Good. He deserves to feel like shit."

"You miss him don't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"I acted the same way when my ex broke up with me, and I can see it in the eyes."

"We fought so much, yet I never wanted to end things."

"He said the same thing. I think he really loved you."

"He should have ended the bet and told me about it. Not have me find out by reading his texts."

"A year away will change you guys, I wouldn't be surprised if you got back together next summer."

"I give up on dating. I'm done with it. It's stupid."

(Flat coke is disgusting. *takes another drink*)

"You'll change your mind when you see some of the boys at the school, they are freaking gods!"

"Then everyone else can have them. I don't want a boyfriend."

"C'mon! Cheer up! You wont have to see Blake for 10 months!"

"Ugh. I'm having conflicting emotions."

"I'll leave you with your conflicting emotions, I need to go home and pack still, I'd invite you over, but you'd probably end up running into Blake."

"See ya."

I went out back and sat on the deck. The air was warm with a cool breeze. My favorite kind of weather.


I turn around to face who spoke.

I faced Blake.

"Get away from me."

"Can you please just hear me out?"

"Why should I?"

"So I can explain everything."

"How do I know your not lying?"

"Can't you just trust me that I'm not lying to you about this?"

"I don't know, can I? You seem to have proven yourself untrustworthy."


"5 minutes."

"So, remember that night you and Bella interrupted me and CeCe?"

"Your make out sesh?"

"Yeah, so, CeCe got really annoyed at you for that, so she concocted a plan, that I would make you fall in love with me, and then break your heart. We got the guys in, had our convincing breakup, and brad just happened to also break up with you, so everything was working out. We started dating and I was going along with it. But then I eventually fell for you. Even though we fought so much, I never wanted to end it, I wanted you. I couldn't live without you. I needed you. So, a few days ago, I tried to get out of the bet, but I had to pay double, but Greg figured out my real reason I wanted out, and it was because I loved you, like really loved you. And that's when you read the text."

I sat there. I couldn't process what he was saying.

I felt his finger brush a tear from my cheek, but I pulled away.

The Boy Next DoorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora