Chapter 13

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Sam's POV

Blake comes back over and we head toward the busier part of town.

"Can we stop by the post office?" I ask him. "Sure, I'm guessing you don't know where it is?" He asks. I nod.

He leads me there and I grab my mail, flipping though it, I freeze when I find something addressed to me.

"Hey! You got mail!"

I know what this is. I heard my parents talking about it back in Cali. They were sending me to London for school.

I rip it open, hoping it said I wasn't accepted.

Dear miss Parker,

We are pleased to announce, you have been accepted to Eldridge academy. Your book list should come in the mail in late July. We are also pleased to tell you, you are coming on a full scholarship! This scholarship is for junior and senior year only. You must keep your grades above a 3.0 average and if they fall below, or if you break any of the rules stated in our guide book, your scholarship will be revoked.

Eldridge academy is a pristine, high class school, where we do not tolerate bad behavior. Any misconduct and you will be escorted out of Eldridge and sent home.

Class schedules will be handed out when you arrive August 10. Roommates will be assigned also.

Thank you for applying and we can't wait to meet you!

- Dr. Meka

I kept reading and rereading the letter over and over again. How could they! This is my life! I don't want to go to some prude-ass academy! If they think I'm going, well, fuck them!

"What is it?" Blake bumps my hip with his.

I hand it to him and he reads it.

"Wait, you applied for a school, in LONDON?!?!"

"No, my parents did behind my back!"

I sit down on the curb.

I reach for my phone and call my mom.

"Hi sweetie!" She answers cheerfully.

"Don't 'hi sweetie' me mom." I say angrily.

"The letter from Eldridge came didn't it?"

"Yeah, and I'm accepted! What the hell did you even say to make them not only accept me, but give me a full ride scholarship for junior and senior year?!?!"

"Nothing! We just told them about you!"

"Bull, you and I both know, any other school that I would have applied for would have closed their doors on me. Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"Ok so we tweaked you a little bit, but if you get kicked out your going to reform school, and we didn't tell you because you wouldn't have gone along!"


I hang up angrily. This could not be happening!

I pace back and forth. "Sam." I keep pacing. "Sam." I continue pacing. "SAM!" "What?" I yell at Blake, exasperated. He frowns at me. I take a deep breath and ask again, "what?" More politely.

"Why are you pacing?" "My parents never even told me about this!" "Hey, you won't be alone there, my sister goes there." "Wait, what?" "She started there a year ago, she says it's not that bad."

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